Explore; Chapter 16

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Roger awoke with a start. He felt panic running through his veins as he saw the sunlight bursting through the window. His head was swarming with the word late as he quickly threw the covers off of him and stood up. He glanced at the clock and sat back down. He wasn't late. He then noticed the empty space on the other side of the bed where his boyfriend would've been.

"Bri? Brian? Where are you, love?" He yelled to the empty room.  "Brian!" Roger started to panic a bit as he realized that Brian was probably gone. He probably left after realizing that he didn't really like Roger. Roger hated to admit it, but he was always used by men and women who leave after they get what they want. Why did he think that Brian was any different?

"Rog? Are you okay?" Brian must of heard the panic from Roger's voice because as he peaked his head out of the bathroom, Roger noticed the concern in his face. He then realized how stupid he was being. He was too caught in his own worry, that he didn't notice the shower running when we was calling out to Brian. The shower was now turned off and Roger's eyes trailed to Brian's wet hair and the towel around his waist.

"Sorry. I just got nervous that you left. I was too tired to process the sound of the water running. Sorry." Brian just smiled.

"It's okay, love. You should shower. We need to leave soon. It's almost time to go to the studio." Brian walked out of the bathroom and while walking to the drawer, he let his hand brush Roger's and momentarily take hold of the drummer's fingers, letting his own linger for a second, before continuing to walk to the other side of the room. Roger walked to the bathroom to shower as Brian began to get dressed.

"Don't you think they're just so cute together, Deaks?" Freddie asked John as they waited in the lobby for their bandmates.

"Yes they're adorable together. They deserve each other."

"The two are opposites! Roger acts like... well... he acts like me and Brian acts more like you, dear. Well, he only acts like you when you're sober."

"Hey! I act fine when I'm drunk!" Deaky retorted.

"You punched through glass, Deaks. You also didn't know who was playing on the radio when it was us. You lost your drivers licence for a year!" John was silent as Freddie smirked.

"Well I-" John sighed. "You're right." Freddie chuckled and looked back towards the elevator. 

"Where are they?" The singer asked. A few seconds after his inquiry, the elevator dinged and the couple stepped out. The other two band members noticed their wet hair and looked at each other. Freddie decided to speak up first. 

"So... You two have fun in the shower?" Brian blushed and Roger started to stutter, trying to defend himself. 

"I-no! It- it's... We didn't-" Roger sighed and gave up on trying to speak. "We didn't do that!" 

"I know, dear! I'm just teasing you, darling!" Freddie stood up and grabbed his bag from beside his chair. They all heading out of the hotel and got crowded into a cab to head to the studio. Freddie was in front, talking the driver's ear off and John, Roger and Brian were in the back, Roger in the middle. 

Once at the studio, they hurried to get out their instruments and practice as much as they could. 

"All right my friends. We basically all have the set list memorized so we should should just run it a bunch to make sure we really have it," John said once they had their instruments all tuned and ready. They all agreed and decided to get to work. 

After running their set list around 5 times and working on a song, they were finally done for the day. They were in the studio for almost 12 hours so it was now 8:39 pm. 

"Darlings we should go to a club or a bar!" Freddie suggested.

"Fred, it's early. The only clubs that are open are for day drinkers and college students who have early classes," Brian remarked.

"Fine then. We can get some food, then. Or we can just walk around. I just want to explore LA! We're in LA! Come on guys!" Freddie grabbed onto Brian and John's arms and dragged them out of the studio. Before Brian was violently pulled away from his spot on the couch, he grabbed Roger's hand so the blond was pulled along, too. 

The four ran around LA and reeked havoc in the town they were in. From a restaurant, to a store, to a mall, to a bar, and finally to a clothing store. The four were, you could say, shit-faced. They had a show the next day and had to be ready but decided to drink away their nervousness instead of preparing. 

"Brimi, do- do you think this would look good on me?" Freddie asked as he held a women's dress shirt to his chest.

"Fred!" Brian giggled. "That's a women's shirt!" The four erupted in quiet laughter as they continued looking around for more possible show outfits. Freddie was still sifting through the clothing rack, looking for shirts. 

"Don't you think you have enough show outfits, mate?" John asked. Freddie laughed at the bassist's statement. 

"Deaky, I can never have enough. I want to stand out on stage, dear!" John shrugged and sighed. He walked over to Brian to see what he was doing. The guitarist seemed to be chatting with his boyfriend. Roger giggled at something Brian said as John walked up to them. They were near the front desk. The three of them were cracking jokes and laughing when the cashier informed them that it was almost closing time. They begrudgingly gathered Freddie and went along with their journey. Something told them all that this was not going to be a very short night. 

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