Studio; Chapter 9

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Smut warning??? ~ That sign means smut is about to start. It's also mild smut and not too bad.

"Roger? You okay?" Freddie asked from his spot next to Brian.

"Oh yeah I'm just fine. I was just lost in thought for a bit there. Sorry. So D'ya reckon we work on Brian's song? He only has the guitar part so far..." Roger turned to Freddie with a sad face he was obviously trying to cover up with a smile but that smile looked fake and forced. The singer decided to not question Roger about his obviously upset state.

"Yeah let's do it! I'm so glad you guys like the song! I was having a hard time writing and I thought that I'd lost my song writing touch. But then I wrote this song!" Brian started panicking. He really didn't want anyone making fun of him for writing that inappropriate song. "I wrote it because... It's about someone who fell in love with a girl who... sleeps around and um... I just thought of the concept when I was uh... Thinking of ideas for a new story and decided to write it as a song instead..." Saved it! That seemed pretty believable.

"Oh... that's really cool. I would definitely read that book," Roger said with his fake smile even more accentuated. His smile was wide and seemed happy at first but his eyes told his real emotions. Sad? Disappointed? No one but Brian noticed, of course. Him being his boyfriend and all, Brian felt it was his job to make sure Roger was always happy or at least to listen to him. That fake smile made Brian die a little bit inside. He wanted more than anything to make Roger happy and seeing him sad felt worse than heartbreak. Was it something he did? Was it something he said? Was it because Brian didn't tell the band what the song was really about? Brian was lost in thought when Freddie got up and patted Brian on the back.

"Come on, Curly, let's start this song!" Freddie smiled at Brian and that alone made him feel a bit better.

Brian stood up and plugged his guitar into the amp closest to him. Freddie got his mic, Roger got behind his drum kit, and Deaky was standing next Freddie with his bass. Brian handed Freddie the paper with the lyrics on them. He then walked over to Roger and handed him a scrap paper with a few notes on them. Mostly about how he wanted the song to have a lot of bass drum and have a very "rock" feel. Brian wasn't a drummer so he didn't know exactly how to tell Roger to play it but he trusted him to interpret it how he wanted.

He then walked over to John and briefly apologized for not having anything for him and saying he could quickly write up some tab later for him. John just smiled and said he could freestyle it.

"Oh it's okay, Brian. I'm always up for a little freestyle. And I can write some tab later. I'd be very happy to. I love writing music. Don't worry at all," Deaky said. Brian had been stressing over this song for a while and he was so happy that it was all going to work out. That was something about Brian that he wanted to fix. He stressed out about almost everything but suffered in silence. No one knew when he was panicking or extremely stressed about something because he kept such a calm exterior.

"Everyone ready!?" Roger yelled. He usually got so excited when playing new songs. He loved creating so it made sense.

"Yeah! Bri? Deaky? Ready?" Freddie replied. The two nodded.

"Ready, Freddie?!"

"Yeah! Count us in, Rog." Freddie licked his lips and looked at the lyric sheet.

Roger counted to four while hitting his hi-hat at the same time. Freddie started to sing the first part of the song and Roger immediately harmonized. Brian stared at Roger for a second, dazzled by his amazing voice. He then started playing his part and soon, the entire band was playing Brian's song. From an outside perspective, it wouldn't be apparent that only the guitarist and singer really knew what they were doing. The bass and drums sounded perfect. They sounded like they knew their part by heart. You would never expect that they were just winging it.

This is what Brian loved about playing with Queen. They were all such good musicians alone but when they came together, it was like magic. They sounded perfect together.

The rest of the rehearsal was just like that. Deaky and Freddie both had new songs that they were eager to share. Both of their songs went just as well as when they played Brian's. There was just this chemistry that the band had that was irreplaceable. It was so strong, that by the end of the session, they had three new song for the album.

"That went great! I can't believe that that we completed three songs today! At this rate, we'll be done in a week!" Roger expressed to Brian in a cab back to the hotel. "Can... I actually stay with you tonight? Katlyn knows my room number and I'm afraid that she'll try to find me." Roger looked up at Brian with his light cerulean blue eyes. "I know it seems kind dumb to be afraid of her but I just don't want her near us anymore..."

"Oh Roger it's okay I completely understand! Of course you can stay with me. Anytime!" Brian took Rogers hand in his and rested their intertwined fingers in his lap. Roger smiled up at him and then leaned his head on the guitarist's shoulder.


Once they got back to the hotel, they let go of each other's hands and walked through that doors. In the elevator up to their room on the 10th floor, Brian turned his head to look at Roger and leaned in to kiss him. Roger wrapped his hands around Brian's neck and pulled Brian closer to him. Brian ran his tongue across Roger's bottom lip and the blond opened his mouth slightly. Right before anything interesting happened, the elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal the 10th floor. Thankfully, there was no one else waiting for the elevator because that would have been embarrassing.

The two stepped out of the elevator and walked to Brian's room. They entered and right when Brian closed the door behind him, Roger pulled Brian onto the bed and straddled him. He leaned down to kiss Brian and threaded his hands through his curly mess of hair. Brian got a sudden feeling of confidence and flipped them over so he was on top. He forcefully kissed Roger and soon traveled down his neck, but was careful as to not leave any hickies. He nipped and sucked at his neck as Roger squirmed and moaned underneath him. Roger continued to lightly tug at Brian's hair, an action that both of them secretly loved. Even though Roger was having the time of his life right now, there was still something bothering him in the back of his subconscious.

"Brian~ Wait..." Brian stopped what he was doing (more like who he was doing amirite) and looked curiously at Roger. He got off of Roger and lied down next to him on his side, facing the drummer.


"Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"

"No of course not, Bri. It's just... in the studio. You said that your song was written about a boy who was in love with a girl who slept around. Is that true? I won't be upset if it is I promise. I just want to know..." Roger asked, embarrassed.

"Oh... no it's about you... Sorry I said that! I'm so sorry, Rog! I didn't know it would hurt your feelings! I just... didn't want to band to make fun of me or... I'm just so so sorry!" Brian felt so awful. He couldn't believe that he made Roger feel that way.

"It's okay, Brian. I understand. Sorry I got upset. I should've known you wouldn't've lied to me." Brian cuddled up to Roger as if saying 'it's okay' and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy.

Ha! You hoes thought you were getting smut! Happy late April fools! Anywhore, it's 5 am and I woke up hella early so I could work on a project. Last night I felt dead inside and stressed so I just set an alarm for 4 am so I could work on it before school. I have a few days to do it but I'd rather do it now ya know? Well anygay, hope you enjoyed this chapter and please please comment and vote thanks.

Bi hoes.

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