Endurance; Chapter 12

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"Oh, my god. Of course they did. Well, at least we got free booze," Roger said to Brian once they spotted the various bottles of alcohol on the bed.

"I thought you were tired?" Brian asked.

"Well, there's alcohol and if I have a little bit then I usually get tired and fall asleep fast. Let's just have a little bit."

"Okay but I don't want to have too much to drink. I'm a little bit of a light weight."

"Don't worry Bri, you'll build up endurance soon enough." Roger patted Brian's arm and walked into the room and took a seat on the bed next to the bottles. Brian sighed, walked in, and closed the door behind him. He kicked off his shoes and lied down next to Roger. Roger then took off his Doc Martians to reveal light pink socks.

"Nice socks, Rog. Very colourful." Brian teased.

"At least I don't have boring as fuck black socks like you do," Roger teased back while flopping down next to Brian with an open beer bottle in his hand. "Here, drink this." He handed it to Brian. Brian took a sip and looked back to Roger. He was putting the bottles on the floor next to the bed.

"Y'know, I don't believe you."

Brian turned to Roger, confused. "How do you mean?"

"You said you're a light weight but I don't believe you. I mean, when we were all drunk before the tour, you were perfectly fine."

"I just didn't drink a lot. Easy as that."

"Okay if you say so." Roger took a bottle of whiskey and started sipping it straight from the bottle. If he kept this up, he'll be as drunk as he was when he accidentally kissed Brian in college. 

The couple kept drinking and talking about random things. Roger noticed he was starting to get buzzed so he put down the bottle and focused on what Brian was talking about.

"So that's what it's about. Einstein's general relativistic clock paradox." Brian was rambling about a song he wrote for one of their earlier records. Roger thought he might be getting a bit tipsy off of the beer but knew that it was basically impossible to get drunk off of a single beer.

"Brian, you're super smart, and you're really really well spoken, but I'm not, so please. What the fuck are you talking about?" Roger asked.

"The paradox, it... If we travel to a speed similar to the speed of light then... then... everything will be distorted. Like, we'll weight a different amount. And... a-and other things. But m-most importantly, time. Time is... diff-different. Let's say the astronauts go in space to find new land and... and they travel at the speed of light and they just come back and they feel as if they've only aged one year but they've actually been gone for like... a- a hundred years and that's what the song is about. Wouldn't that be scary?! Anyways, pass me some of that whiskey you were drinking." Brian was slurring his words a lot and Roger really did realize that he was a light weight. Like, the lightest light weight. Roger didn't want to disappoint him so he reached down and grabbed the bottle. He handed it to Brian and Brian started to slowly sip at the whiskey like Roger was a few minutes before. The two continued to talk and Brian continued to slowly drink the whiskey. His cheeks became a light pink colour and Roger thought it was adorable.

"Hey Brian? Maybe you should stop drinking. You don't want to get too drunk. We have prep for the tour and we have to practice our set list tomorrow." Roger was getting worried. The more Brian drank, the more drunk he got and the more drunk he got, the more he wanted to drink so it was a never ending cycle until someone stopped him.

"No, Rog! I'm fine! I want more whiskey! It's r-really good!" Brian was slurring his words now so Roger decided to take matters into his own hands. He took the bottle from Brian and set it beside the bed along with the others.

"No!" Brian launched toward the side of the bed and took a different bottle. This time it was vodka.

"Hey Roger... Look what they put on the bottle." Roger glanced at the bottle in Brian's hand and saw a condom taped the the side.

"Of course they did..." Roger sighed and laughed a little bit.

"That might come in handy later... Right, Roger?" Brian slurred his sentence and leaned over Roger.

"Brian, I don't think this is the best idea. You're drunk."

"No shhhh. Let it happen, baby." Brian leaned down to kiss Roger. He sat up and pulled Roger onto his lap and started kissing his neck.

"Brian. Fuck- Bri. Stop." Roger pulled away. Brian imediantly stopped and looked at him, in fear that he had done something wrong. Then his worry turned into anger.

"Okay I see! So it's okay for you to come off on me when you're drunk but when I do it it's a crime! We're dating so it's not like I kissed you in college and left you to wonder why you liked it! I just-" at this point, Brian started crying but didn't seem to notice.

"Brian. What are you talking about?" Roger got off of his lap and sat across from him on the bed. He placed his hand on top of Brian's and wipped his tears away. His hands lingered on Brian's face and his eyes flickered down to Brian's lips and he leaned in. Their kiss was sweet and soft, unlike the needy and lust filled kisses they had shared before.

"I'm sorry. Brian I'm really sorry. I- I've liked you since we met and- oh God I'm so stupid! I was drunk and I can't believe I would just kiss you just because I wanted! Oh God, Brian. I'm so sorry!" Roger wrapped his arms around the tall guitarist and Brian buried his face in Roger's sweater.

Brian continued to softly cry. Roger didn't mind, though. He knew his emotions were heightened from the alcohol.

"It's okay. I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. I love you." Roger realized what he had said and was thankful that Brian was drunk. He just wasn't ready to say that to Brian yet. He loved him but he just was afraid of rejection. But Roger promised himself that he'll tell Brian how he really feels soon. For now, though, he was content just cuddling Brian while he was slowly falling asleep.

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