Daddy Kinks; Chapter 7

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"You're gay?" Deaky asked, surprised.

"Well I don't know... I think I like both but kind of I guess..." Brian was pretty nervous.

"And we're dating!" Roger said proudly.


"Cool? I thought you'd act more surprised to be honest." Roger sat on the stage. It was the next day and the band were going to practice more. Hopefully, this time no one will storm out and end up making out on a table somewhere else. Hopefully.

"Well nothing really bothers me anymore. All you guys are so surprising that nothing surprises me anymore." Deaky said while smiling that adorable smile of his. 

"Well I guess that makes sense..." Freddie chuckled at John's comment.

"So should we get to work? We have a tour and a new album to do," Brian asked.

"Wait wait... You can't just come out and say you're dating Roger and then just forget it! Tell us more! We want the details! Did you fuck yet? Who tops and who bottoms?" Deaky asked.

"Jesus, Deaky. You kinky fuck," Freddie said, suprised.

"Is it wrong to be interested in my friend's life?"

"Well no but..." Freddie just looked really confused, Brian was hiding his face in his hands and Roger was losing his shit trying not to laugh.

"Guys we should really practice..." Brian said, muffled through his hands.

"Aww he's embarrassed! He's probably a bottom..."

"Deaky! Besides, he's a top," Roger said proudly. Deaky stifled his laughter and Freddie nodded.

"It's true."

"Guys! Are we actually going to do anything today or are we just going to waste it away like yesterday?" Brian wasn't really mad at them. He just didn't want Roger and Freddie embarrassing him anymore.

"Oh you're one to talk." Freddie pointed to Brian and Roger. "They were making out on a desk when I went to return Roger's bag that he forgot here!"

John laughed. "A desk? Roger would like that..."

"Yeah it was actually really hot. I didn't know Brian had that side of him. But I'm excited to... find out more about it..." Roger said nonchalantly. By this point, Brian was blushing and hiding his face in his hands again.

"Roger... Please..." Brian honestly didn't mind talking to his friends about relationships and this type of stuff but he still couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

"That's what you'll be saying tonight..." Freddie winked at Brian and the guitarist let out a sigh.

"Anyways, so there I was just sitting on the desk and Brian is telling me how pretty I am. I know, sweet right? So I get bashful and then Brian just starts fucking making out with me. So that's happening and I'm freaking out 'cause Brian Harold May is kissing me, y'know? But I try to keep my cool 'cause I don't want to seem to desperate or lame. I think it worked because we were like full on snogging and Brian starts putting his hands up my shirt and that was hot as fuck. Then Freddie decided ruin the moment and come in!" Roger was proudly describing the moment like it was the most interesting thing in the world while Brian was trying so hard not to die of embarrassment. He was sitting on the stage with his guitar while the rest of the band was piled onto the couch near the entrance of the studio.

"Brian! I didn't know you were so kinky!"

"Shut up... And I only started kissing Roger because he bit his lip after I told him he was pretty so it's his fault!" Brian tried to defend himself but only embarrassed himself anymore.

"Brian has a biting kink!" Deaky yelled.

"I'm not surprised... We always say Roger's the kinkiest member of the band but I always thought it was the quietest ones who were the kinkiest. So it was either Brian or Deaky but turns out it's both," Freddie said.

Roger and Deaky both nodded in agreement.

To try and get back at Roger for telling Freddie and John what they did, he decided to state a fact that everyone knew. "Roger has a daddy kink."

"Hey! I don't! I joke about it a lot but I actually don't have a daddy kink surprisingly."

"But you were about to call me daddy before Freddie walked in!"

"What? No I wa- ohh. I was about to say "damn"because you're hot. But I'll call you daddy of you want~" Roger winked at Brian and even though Brian knew it was a joke, there was still a part of him that thought Roger was serious.


"Goddammit, Freddie. Don't encourage him!" Brian returned to being embarrassed for what seemed to be the 20th time that day. He actually thought that he got Roger back but nope!

"I bet Deaky has a daddy kink," Roger randomly said.

"Me too. He seems really innocent but I bet he's reeeaaally kinky." Freddie pointed to John as he said that.

"Hey just because it's true doesn't mean you guys can make fun of me!"

"Fucking hell I knew it!" Freddie said.

"Can we stop talking about daddy kinks and actually play? I already have my guitar and my new song and I really want to play," Brian complained.

"But we wanna talk about you guys..." Freddie whined back at Brian.

"Guys please. You'll regret when we do actually have to perform," Brian begged the rest of the band.

"Okay fine," Roger whined. "Killjoy," he muttered quietly after he got up.

happy birthday to a bi, happy birthday to Jett who's bi, happy birthday dear bisexual hoe, happy birthday 2 u

By the way that note above was written by my friend Thomas because I asked him to proof read it and it was also my birthday today. My birthday is on March 14th by the way. Hope you enjoy this chapter a lot because I'm going on 3 field trips this month and 1 next month so I'll have a lot of work to catch up on... Kill me... Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I'll try my hardest to update when I can this month. Probably on weekends. Bye!

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