Goodnight; Chapter 13

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Hey so there's this author who wrote a fic called "The Haphazard of Ben." Their user name is A__crazy__shipper__ and it would be amazing of you would read it. It's hardzzello and it's amazing! There's also a sequel called "The Sensibility of Joe."

The fic is about how Joe has to start tutoring Ben in school but he hated Ben because Ben is a flirt and is really popular.

"Brian... Hey wake up." Roger was poking Brian lightly, trying to wake him up. Roger wanted to change, too but Brian was lying his head in his lap so Roger couldn't move.

"No... To tired. 'S too warm..."

"Brian you have to change. You're going to hate yourself if you sleep in your jeans. C'mon please."

"Mmm fine. For you, babe." Brian usually didn't call Roger any pet names. He calls him "love" sometimes but that's about it. When Brian called him "baby" and "babe" it made Roger... Feel things...

Brian sat up and stretched. Roger could tell that he was still drunk because he was only asleep for 10 minutes. He stood up and almost tripped. Roger decided to help him and tried to help Brian to his drawer. Brian stumbled and leaned all of his weight on the short drummer. Roger almost fell evrytime Brian stumbled a bit.

"Where the fuck are your pajamas?!" Roger was ruffling through the drawers and finally found a regular t-shirt. Brian mostly brought show clothes and his "casual" clothes were button ups.

"Did you not pack any bottoms?!" Roger pulled Brian back to the bed with the t-shirt in his hands.

"Rog, I'm tired can't I just go to bed now?"

"Can you dress yourself or do I have to do it?" Instead of replying, Brian flopped back on the bed and tried to sleep again. Roger sighed and sat beside him. He told Brian to sit up. He took of Brian's shirt and put the t-shirt on him. He then stripped Brian of his jeans while blushing profusely.

"You can go to sleep now, Bri. I'll be there soon, I just need to change as well." Brian mumbled a response that Roger didn't understand. Roger went to the end of the room and stood near the foot of the bed to change. Once he took of his shirt, he heard Brian stirring in bed. He turned to see what he was doing and saw that Brian was sat up. "You're really hot like that. Without your shirt." Roger turned away from Brian, blushing a deep shade of pink. He didn't want Brian to know that he affected Roger like that. Of course, Brian was drunk and won't remember any of their conversations the next morning so it wouldn't really matter but still.

"Why'd you turn away?" Brian asked.

"Uh... Because..." Roger decided to answer honestly and tell the truth. "I don't like my body. I know it seems stupid because I'm perfectly healthy but it's just that even though I'm healthy and I even exercise sometimes, I'm still a bit chubby. I just fell like I'm doing something wrong."

"No, babe. You're dumb. Because everyone knows you're hot. Do you have any idea how many people are fawning over you."

"I know. But that's why I never really come out from behind my drums during performances. I'm just a bit embarrassed." Roger was still turned away from Brian so when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him, he was surprised.

"You're fucking beautiful and amazing so shut up and come to bed with me." Roger was surprised because Brian never really swore but he liked it a bit.

Roger turned to Brian and wrapped his arms around Brian's neck. Brian's hands rested on Roger's hips. Roger leaned in and the two shared a sweet and long kiss. Brian's hands went from Roger's waist to his bum and Roger gasped and giggled.

"We should actually get to sleep now," Roger said to Brian after he pulled away from the kiss.

"Okay, love. What time do we need to wake up?"

"Around 7:00 because the studio opens at 8:00 and we're supposed to be there at 8:30 to get as much rehearsal time as possible. We only have today and tomorrow to prepare for the tour." Roger smiled and started walking back to the bed. Brian followed. Roger could tell that Brian was starting to sober up a bit because he wasn't stumbling around anymore and he called Roger 'love' instead of 'baby' or 'babe' like he was before.

"Set the alarm so we don't oversleep," Brian mumbled as he was getting in bed. Roger could tell he was getting tired again. Roger was also incredibly tired so he was glad to be able to finally sleep. He looked at Brian as he sat down on his side of the bed. Brian was already asleep and was facing towards Roger. Roger took off his jeans and got into the bed. Should I cuddle with him? Roger thought to himself. He decided that he should because he wanted to and he knew that Brian wouldn't mind at all. He shuffled towards Brian and Brian instinctively wrapped his arms around Roger. The drummer immediately felt warm both physically and emotionally. 

Roger looked up at Brian once again to confirm that he was in fact sleeping.

"I love you, goodnight," Roger whispered to Brian. He didn't stir at all so that was a good sign. Brian needed the sleep. He seemed awfully tired the past couple of days. Most likely due to jet lag but Roger knew that Brian sometimes had trouble sleeping when he was nervous. He also knew that when Brian was nervous, he was really nervous. Brian hugged Roger closer to him and shifted in his sleep a bit. Roger nestled his face in Brian's chest and attempted to fall asleep. However, his thoughts kept distracting him. They had two days of rehearsal before their tour. He was nervous about the tour, but he was also nervous about him and Brian. Were they going to continue hiding their relationship or will they be open about it? These questions swarmed Roger's mind and he grew incredibly scared. He was always a little nervous for performances and tours but he was even more nervous now. He assumed Brian wanted to hide their relationship from the public. Freddie was currently hiding the fact that he was gay so Roger thought that maybe they could ask Freddie for help. All three of them were all worried about being outed and their fans not liking them anymore. So it was pretty safe to say that Roger was incredibly scared. He was scared of accidentally revealing their relationship and he was scared of accidentally messing up their relationship.

Soon, Roger's thoughts caused him to drift off to sleep in Brian's arms. Instead of going to bed feeling loved and safe, he went to bed feeling worried and scared. God, he wished they lived in a world where they could just be who they were and be with who they wanted without any consequences.

Fat Bottomed Girls (Maylor)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora