College Parties; Chapter 17

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Rays of sunlight spilled through the window as Roger fluttered his eyes open. He felt a body pressed up against his back and realized Brian was also there. He turned around to face his boyfriend and kissed his nose in an attempt to wake him up. Brian slowly opened his eyes, hugged Roger closer and yawned. 

"What time is it?" 

Roger looked over to the clock on his bedside table. "8:48," he responded. 

"We should get up. We don't want to be late." 

Roger sighed and sat up. He stretched and got up. He groaned loudly. "I don't want to wake up! My head huuuurts!" He whined. 

"I have some ibuprofen in my suitcase just for this occasion," Brian responded playfully. The guitarist stood up and knelt beside his suitcase. This reminded Roger of when him and Brian really first became friends. He had just gotten back from his first college party and there was his roommate, Brian, just sitting on his bed and reading. Roger had roomed with someone who was two years older than him and he thought that it would make it harder to become his friend. 

They had spoken a few times before, but had never held a real conversation. Not until that night, at least. Roger was pretty drunk and he knew that he would feel terrible in the morning. Well, it was already morning. It was 4 a.m. and he needed to be awake for classes soon. This was going to be a terrible day. 

"So, finally back, huh?" The tall stranger asked him. "Bet you had a fun night." Roger could basically hear him smirk from behind his book. 

"Yeah. It was okay. But you know what's even better? Being hungover. And I'll get to experience that euphoria soon." Roger's tone was part snark and part joking. 

"Well I guess lucky you, then." The curly-haired roommate's words were spoken softer and more sympathetically. Roger sat on his own bed, which was across the room from his roommate's. 

"So uh... who's party did you go to?" The taller student tried to make small talk.

"A girl called Dominique. I thought I could hook up with her but I don't like her anymore. The people she hangs out with don't seem very nice." Brian was surprised with Roger's response. He expected this popular student to want to sleep with any girl that moves. 

"What.. don't you like about them?" 

"Drugs. They do the hard shit. That's not really my thing. I don't want to get involved with anything besides weed and adderall. And that's only for my studies." 

Again, Brian was surprised that this Freshman actually cared about his studies. This university was full of rich kids who are here against their will because of their parents. He was also surprised that he hadn't done any harder drugs. Even Brian had done some stuff. 

"Well, it is university. People get experimental. It won't hurt to try new things. Plus you can't get second-hand high from being around people who do MDMA sometimes."

Now it was Roger's turn to be surprised. He didn't expect his nerdy roommate to condone hanging out with druggies or even doing drugs. 

"I guess. I don't even really like the parties. They're boring and stupid. Just a bunch of kids who try to get shit-faced every night for no reason. Why would you enjoy being hungover. It's not fun." Roger let his head fall onto his pillow.

"Then why do you go? And why are you drunk if getting drunk is so dumb?"

"Pressure. They all think I'm like them. Those kids. I just want to graduate. Not make friends. Will it even matter? Not when I'm out of here. I don't want to be friends with these people."

Brian smiled sympathetically. "Wait. I have something." He reached into his school bag and got out a pill bottle. Roger couldn't see it but he heard it rattle. He rolled his eyes at his roommate. Another goddamn druggie he thought. When Brian turned around, Roger was relived. It was just a standard pain killer. He handed two pills to Roger. 

"For your future hangover. And my advice, don't go out to parties every night."

"Why? The other kids drag me there." Roger got his school bag and prepared to go to the café that was open 24/7. 

"Well..." Brian put his forgotten book on the floor beside his bed. "It won't be good for you. You shouldn't  be hungover every morning. Like you said, it's not fun. Plus, I don't want you getting sick from drinking all the time. It's not good for you." Brian looked into Roger's eyes with sincerity and concern as Roger stood by the door. 

"Why do you care?"

"Because. We're kind of friends." Brian smiled again and started reading his book again. Roger felt touched. He felt like he could almost cry. Damn alcohol, making me all emotional. He left without another word with his room- his friend  in his mind. 

"Maybe it won't hurt to just have one friend..." He thought to himself as he walked down the stairs. The rest of the day, his new friend was on his mind. He was pretty sure his name was Brian but he still wasn't sure.

"Rog? You okay?" Brian snapped his fingers in front of Roger's face.

"Sorry, babe. I kind of spaced out there for a minute." 

"That's okay, love. Anyways, I found the bottle. Sorry it took me a bit to find it," Brian apologized. 

"Don't worry, Bri. Thanks so much. I was actually thinking about how we met. Well, how we became friends."

"Ah yes. I remember. I'm surprised you do. You seemed pretty drunk." Roger popped the pills into his mouth as Brian spoke.

"Well I remember most of it," Roger said after he took a gulp of water from a water bottle handed to him from Brian. 

"Well, let's get ready now, yeah? We need to start this tour of America!" Brian said proudly.

Please Read!

Sorry for not posting for more than a week! School is ending soon and there's just a lot to do. Once break starts I'll post more. However, I am going on a trip for the first week of summer so I might not post then because we aren't allowed to bring computers (which sucks but whatever) and I don't really like to update on my phone. 

So, long story short, I'll upload more after the 19th because that's when we get back but until then, I'll try to upload as much as I can. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2019 ⏰

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