Chapter 8

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After Sam told us the plan, we headed back up to the dorms smiling knowing that the plan was going to work. We walked up to the second floor and went into Bills room. Bill was explaining the area of capture the flag so I could get a better understanding of our plan he stopped once Cash, Chris Reed, and Malcom came into the room because of study hall had ended. Bill told them about our fight and I corrected him on some parts, but the guys were completely overjoyed about the fight and surprised about how well I did against Bill. Witch is good because other people will think I am weak at capture the flag. After we told them about the fight everyone started to tell me about the classes and witch teachers are really strict and the easy classes. It was funny because the guys were arguing about witch teachers are best. The funny part was where they were sitting Chris was on his bed the top bunk and Malcom was sitting in one of the chairs at the desks and there was a gap between the closets and ceiling and thats where Cash was sitting on top of the closets. I dont know why it was so funny to me but it was. They kept arguing about it until it was time for night prayer. We all headed out the room into the hallway and prayed to the gods and headed back to our rooms for lights out. So, I showered brushed my teeth and crawled into bed thinking about school tomorrow.

Mr. Noble woke us up or at least tried to at six thirty in the morning banging on our doors and shouting he came around every ten minutes if you were already up, he didnt bang on your door unless he just wanted to screw with you like he did to Bill. I got dressed in the school uniform a blue or orange polo and khakis pants and I waited in my room until Bill was ready and we headed down to breakfast. Breakfast was good and we finished with thirty minutes before class started and Bill showed me were each of my classes were so I would not be tardy on my first day. Each class was basically the same today the teachers pointed me out and gave me a binder full of the material of what they have covered so far and then they began their lecture.

My first class was living as a demigod. Witch was like a home etc. class for demigods Mrs. Dempsey taught it she was a forest druid. My next class was mathematics taught by Coach A witch everyone told me that if Coach A liked you the class would be fun and so far, it was people would talk and have a good time with Coach A before the class would start and still have a good time throughout the class. My next class was battle tactic with Coach A again and it was the same atmosphere in class but a different material. Then I had ancient languages 101 which was taught by Father Leonard one of the priests at the monastery and it was one of the class you did not screw around in. Father Leonard was a strict teacher and gave lots of homework. Next, I had Monster Mythology witch Br. Joseph taught every called him Br. Jo. And Brother told me that there wasnt much homework in his class but you had to study extremally well for the test. And lastly, I had to take blacksmithing because I was a child of Hephaestus a forging god, I had to take an extra hour in the class witch I loved. All we did was repair armor and weapons and make a few arrows each day, but once we were done with that that we got to make whatever we wanted. Witch was good because I spent my free time fixing the mustang in the garage part of the shop. I found out what parts need to be replaced and went upstairs to ask how I can order some parts to fix it. Nearly everyone left early to get ready for capture the flag except of one of the Seniors Greg Kelly he was a very nice happy guy that was friends with everyone. He told me that there is an alumnus that lives that little town Paris that owns a body shop that we order our parts through him. After that was done Bill came in the armory with some leather armor.

Do you need some repairs Bill? Greg asked.

No, thanks though. But this is for Fritz he doesnt have any armor yet. Bill said handing the armor to me.

Shouldnt we be wearing metal armor if we are going to be using weapons against each other? I asked because I was worried of getting to injured.

Some people do but for our plan I need you to be as quick and stealthy as possible. Bill said whispering into my ear because Greg was on the other team.

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