Interview & Arguements

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I found 3G!!!! Tinista2001

*Stephies interview is being recorded in a studio, she is backstage*

Stephie-(thinking) OMIGOD I'm so nervous! But I have to do it to show that 'thing' that Jorgie is MINE!

Tv presenter- And here with us today is Stephie Camerena! Good afternoon Stephie!

Stephie-*waves at camera & smiles* Hello everyone, and hello Mike.

TP Mike- Now Stephie, we have some quick questions for you.

Stephie-*nervously* Erm, that's fine go ahead!

TPM- The public wants to know, are you and Jorge Blanco dating?

Stephie-*fake laughs* Of course isn't that obviously obvious!?

TPM- .... Question 2, Do you believe Jorge is cheating on you with Tini?

Stephie-*angry inside* No, he loves me! And all the rumours about them kissing is just for publicity and practice for the show..

TPM-*smirks* Watch this. *Holds up iPad with the video of Mechi*

Stephie- I'm sorry this is outrageously stupid!

TPM- Can't you see your boyfriends a cheater?

Stephie- HE'S NOT! Was I only invited here to talk about that!? What about actual me!?

TPM- That's all the time we have folks, thanks for watching Star News!

*They stop filming*

TPM- Little miss big mouth, nobody cares about you! Your someone in the way of the couple everyone wants!

Stephie- Jorge is way to old for her and MY BOYFRIEND!!

*Stephie leaves & phones Jorge outside*

-------PHONE CONVO--------

J- Hello?

S- Jorge!

J- Oh hey babe, what's up?

S- I need you to pick me up outside Star Studio, I was on a walk and got lost...

J- How do you know where you are th-

S- Will you?

J- Alright, on my way! Love you lots! *makes kissy noises*

S- God, Jorge STOP!

Jorge- Heh... See ya.

S- Goodbye!


Stephie- Ugh, why'd I say I went for a walk! I'm in a bandage dress and heels!


*Jorge pulls up to were Stephies standing drenched in rain*

Stephie- Jorge at last! *gets into car*

Jorge- I'm so sorry for being late, I had a scene with Tini...

Stephie- Forget it. Can we go to your place? It's closer and I left clothes there before...

Jorge- Of course, you are my soaked princess! But I still love you as much as ever!

Stephie- Stop with the sentimental crap! I just want QUIET!


*Jorge & Stephie arrive at Jorge's house where there is no rain*

*They walk inside & Stephie automatically without saying a word went upstairs*

Jorge-(thinking) Why is Stephie acting so strange?

*Jorge walks upstairs looking for Stephie when he hears noises from a locked bathroom. He sneaks up silently and listens*

Stephie-(phone) Like I frickin' care where ya take her!? just do it!


Stephie- Goodbye P- OMG I think someone's outside the door! I hear breathing!!

*Jorge quickly runs into the first room he sees and lies on the bed & pretends to play his phone*

Stephie- Hello? Jorge where are ya?

Jorge- In here!

*Stephie walks in wearing a dry white t-shirt, jeans and high heels*

Stephie- Jorgie! What are you doing!!?

Jorge- Business stuff... Erm, I've got to ring Facu! One second!

Stephie- Ok, I'm gonna go make some tea! *smiles then leaves*

*Jorge quickly dials Tini*

-----PHONE CONVO----

Tini- 'ello?

Jorge- Tiniitsjorgeiwantedtoaskyoudidsomeonejustinviteyououtsomewhere? Aguywhosnamebeginswithp!

T- Peter invited me out for dinner, why are you asking? Wait how'd you know what his name began with!?

J- Dontgo! Itstrouble! Stephiehasasecretplanwithaguywhosdesciptionmatcheshis!

T- Jorge you need to calm down, you can't stop me from going on that date! Bye...


*Tini hangs up*


Recommendation- Studio On Beat- @Marcesca_Forever

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