Recording & Sneezing

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*Jorge is in the studio with Stephie, Cande and Lodo*

*Jorge is recording 'Entre Dos Mundos' as Stephie, Cande and Lodo watch through a soundproof glass window*

Stephie- I thought Martina was coming record, AKA do her job?!

Lodo- She is sick in bed, and I'm guessing you wouldn't understand because every time you're in a bed, it's NOT when you're sleeping or sick.... *smirks*

Stephie- You did not just go there! Whatever your name is.. Get a life!

Lodo- My name is Lodovica! L.O.D.O.V.I.C.A! And don't think I won't slap that smirk off your dirty face like Mechi did before! I'm filling in!

*Jorge comes in*

Jorge- Phew! I finally get a break!

Stephie- Oh babe you were amazing! Well you looked like it because we couldn't hear you of course! *giggles*

Cande- Please don't make me barf...

Jorge- You're so pretty when you smile! *strokes Stephie's cheek*

Cande- NO please don't do what I think you're going to d-

*Stephie and Jorge kiss as Cande and Lodo turn away in disgust*

Studio worker- Lodovica and Candelaria? You're next!

Cande&Lodo- Thank God...


*Tini is lying in bed on her phone*

Tini- (thinking) Ooh I love Wattpad! Nobody knows I'm the real Tini writing books and it's amazing! Hmm, how about I look up 'Jortini'?

*Tini clicks on 'discover' and types in 'Jortini' then 'search'*

Tini- *gasps* OMG! There's loads, 'Is It Really Just Acting?', 'Together at last'! *sneezes* I-it's more popular than I imagined! I can't think of 'me' being the 'main character' of a book! *smiles then coughs*

*Tini's Mum enters*

Tini's Mum- Hey sweetie! How ya feeling?

Tini- I'm not coughing and sneezing as-as-muc-ACHOOO!!

TM- Oh my poor baby! Do you need any more medicine?

Tini- No, I was just about to take a nap...

TM- Oh Yeah! I nearly forgot! I brought you some throat sweets and water if you don't feel good.

*Tini's Mum sets the items on Tini's bedside table*

Tini- Thank you, love you lots!

TM- No problem my darling! Feel better, love you! *blows Tini a kiss*

*Tini's Mum leaves and Tini lies down and closes her eyes*


Recommendation- What to do?- @Lixaxy

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