Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Kacey ran a hand through his hair. His lips were turned up into a smirk. There was a small red mark on the bow of his lips which must have been from when the mask shocked him. He knelt down so that he was on Padriac and Varian's level.

"Are you surprised?"

Varian floundered. He looked from Padriac to Kacey and then back again. His mind short circuited and he couldn't think straight. He tried to say something—he didn't know what because he couldn't think—but all that came out was a faint noise.

His friends. The people that he trusted the most had done this to him. Why? What was the reason?

And how could they?

Padriac moved so his body weight wasn't completely on Varian.

In a panic, Varian kneed Padriac in the stomach. Padriac doubled over, not expecting the blow.

Varian frantically crawled across the broken glass and water toward the dining room where he now knew the front door was somewhere.


Kacey chided him as Kacey grabbed Varian's ankle. He yanked him back. Varian cried out as he tried to claw the floor, but he was dragged back. He kicked his foot out. He kicked only air. He kicked again in frustration, but again, he hit nothing.

"Come on, Varian. Stop being so difficult," Kacey said as he yanked once more on Varian's leg. He yanked so hard Varian swore his foot was going to be separated from his leg.

He growled. "Fuck you!"

It didn't sound as menacing as he wanted it to. It was drowned out by the sadness, the pure horror, that he was feeling now. His best friends were these horrible people that had done horrible things to him and their other friends. Tears streamed down his face, falling down his chin. He slid across the floor as Kacey dragged him back.

As he was pulled closer to the couch, he saw the bodies of the dead fish.

He was struck once again with guilt and regret of what he'd done. And for a moment, he thought maybe he did deserve to be abused like this. He'd let this happen to his friends. He let his friends hurt others.

But he hadn't known.

Somehow that didn't matter.

Varian flipped over on his back. Kacey jumped over him. He was grinning, the smile crinkling his eyes.

Kacey was more than good looking. However, it was always overshadowed by his knack of being a brat. He was a trouble maker and it was hard to find him genuinely smiling. Yet, Varian was seeing it now.

Kacey was smiling down at him like this was best thing that had ever happened to him. Varian gazed up at him, no longer fighting, just waiting for the inevitable. Kacey stomped, emphasizing his steps as he stood with his feet on either side of Varian's waist.

Padriac groaned as he pulled himself up onto the couch. "Fuck. I didn't know he was that fucking strong."

Kacey chuckled. "He's got some spunk in him alright. He just needed a little help getting it out that's all."

He squatted and flicked Varian's nose. "Isn't that right?"

Varian shuddered. "I-I—"

Nothing else was coming out. He needed to act. He needed to get out of there.

But he was frozen in fear. Though it wasn't just fear. Shock. Dismay. Just pure horror that he didn't know how to process what he now knew.

"Aw," Kacey almost giggled. "He's in shock. He doesn't know what to say."

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