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September 29, 1998


You lazily tapped a finger on the counter in front of you, your eyes scanning over the dimly lit ailes of the convenience store you worked in. A register clerk at a nearly out-of-business gas station wasn't what you had in mind for a first job, but it payed decently well, so you rarely complained. But right now, it was rounding midnight at any minute and you were dreading your decision in working hours this late. You were tired, and the lack of people who came around made you bored.

Sighing heavily, you propped your elbows on the counter and rested your chin in your hands as you blew a loose strand of your (H/C) hair out of your face to exaggerate your bordem. I can't wait to go home and sleep, you thought to yourself. Without anything else to do at the moment, you flicked on the radio that sat beside the register. Static transpired from the speaker which had you lazily working the dial until you received clear audio.

"Look man, I'm serious, okay? I saw this with my own eyes —"

A male's voice arose from the radio station, his words instantly drawing your attention.

"Oh, I believe you, buddy. I believe you," another male voice spoke in a sarcastic tone. "Just tell us a story, tell us a story."

"Okay, well, it was last Friday night. I was walking home from the bar... This women started coming towards me. She was staggering, you know... So I- I figured she was drunk —"

You lifted a brow at what was being said and leaned closer to the radio, as the static occasionally blocked out some of the audio. You worked with the dial again, but this time with more interest.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, okay. Tell us, be honest now. How many drinks did you have?"

The comment made you scoff amusingly.

"No, man, I- I barely had a buzz on. Just listen, alright? She got closer, I got a good look at her. You had to see her eyes... her nose, her whole face... looked like it was rotting!"

"Ew," you said in unison with the second male on the radio.

"She looked like a corpse! Like a walking corpse, man! I've never seen anything like it... I haven't been able to sleep since that night —!"

The words made you cringe slightly. You were conflicted on whether or not to believe that story. Thinking about the description of that women sent chills down your spine, an erie feeling filling the air. You took a quick glance over your shoulder, suddenly feeling the need to see if anyone was creeping behind you.

"Alright, calm down buddy, calm down. Just... Hey, you gotta stay strong, okay? Don't give into fear out there, right?"

"Yeah, you got that right. If you freeze up around these things... they'll sink their teeth into you. I saw it attack somebody —"

Instantly, you shut off the radio. It made you way too fucking uncomfortable, especially at this time of night. Attacked somebody? What the fuck? You couldn't imagine who that somebody was... or what that something could've been.

"That's enough of the radio today..." you comically said to yourself as you pushed the radio aside.

You peeked over the counter to look out the window beside the register, trying to see if anyone was around. This gas station wasn't all that popular in Racoon City, since it was located on the outskirts of town, but people still stopped by here and there. You watched as rain droplets trickled down the side of the glass, a tapping sound following each drop when hitting it. As much as you hated the rain, it was sometimes calming to listen to and for a moment, you enjoyed the peace and quiet.

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