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"Marvin! Marvin, are you okay?"

Leon Kennedy's desperate call echoed throughout the rainy atmosphere of the courtyard outside the RPD. Fuck, what's happening now..? you thought to yourself as you stared up at the cop, still feeling wet droplets from the dark sky pelting your cold cheeks. You peered over your shoulder at the sound of distant gunshots filling the air, remembering that Claire Redfield had ran to fight off the zombies that lingered beyond the gate that separated you and Kennedy from her. You turned to Leon with furrowed brows, hearing muffled noise still seeping from his radio.

"Leon, what's going on?" you questioned the cop worriedly.

"Something's not right—"


You gasped at the sudden thud that came from above, glancing up at the door you and Leon took to get to the courtyard. Your eyes widened at the sight of several walking corpses staggering outside, their malicious groans filling the cold atmosphere. Great, now you've got company. It's been awhile since your last encounter with these flesh-eating creatures. Instantly, you drawed your hand gun and aimed up at zombies that sluggishly creeped down the concrete steps.

"Fuck," Kennedy breathed, hastily putting back his radio as he peered up at the undead, "we have to find another way back."

Your heart began to race slightly faster as your mind flipped through pages of ideas on how to get you and the rookie cop out of this predicament. You glanced over your shoulder, spotting another door — a metal one — with bright, yellow chains draped around the handle.

"Leon, the door behind us. See if you can get it open."

The rookie cop peered over at the door then back at the zombies, hesitating to leave your side. You kept your aim locked onto the slow-moving creatures that crept closer.


"I got this, just do it!"

You tightened your grip around your gun, darting your aim between the two zombies as you heard Kennedy's steps advance towards the metal door behind you. Think, (Y/N), think! you scolded yourself internally, your eyes meeting with the horrid creatures in front of you. A malicious growl escaped the mouth of the zombie closest before it took off in a sprint towards you. In an instance, an idea crossed your mind and you quickly aimed down its leg.


A monsterous yet agonizing screech escaped the creature as the bullets met with its knee caps, forcing the walking corpse to collapse against the wet, concrete floor. You averted your target to the legs of the zombie beside it as it staggered towards you, firing more shots to take it down.

Behind you, Leon sprinted up to the metal door, scanning over the yellow chains that secured it shut. He pulled his shotgun from his back and rammed the stock against the shackles. He rammed it again, then again in attempts to break the chains, but to no avail.

"Fuck," he cursed aloud, letting his arm go limp at his side. He then looked around desperately, spotting large bolt cutters resting on a metal barrel next to the locked door.

You glanced over your shoulder as you cautiously backed away from the zombies that crawled against the ground, their rigid fingers clawing at the concrete. You watched as Kennedy picked up the hefty tool with both his hands, forcefully clamping it down on the yellow shackles. The chains snapped instantly, falling from the metal handle of the door. You turned to face the creatures again as they came closer, shooting at them once more to slow them down.

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