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"Agh! (Y/N), run! Just— agh! Get out of here!"

Leon's gloved hands grasped tightly at the creatures wrists as it struggled to chomp at the base of the cop's neck. You watched in fear as his faltering words filled the dark atmosphere, and all that lit up the scene was the radiance from the flashlight your quivering fingers still held. Kennedy's gun lied unequipped in front of your feet, and your (E/C) orbs locked onto the weapon before you. Your heart raced faster than ever, your panting growing heavier and heavier as your thoughts took over your mind in the moment.

No way I'm leaving Leon to die.

You dropped your flashlight and sprung forward, taking the handle of the weapon between your hands. You got to your knees and aimed the barrel at the head of the creature as best you could, praying to God that you didn't fuck this up. You've never held a gun before, let alone shoot with one! But there was no time left.

You held your eyes shut tight—


And you pulled the trigger.

The force of the shot made your body jerk back as the sound of the bullet leaving the gun pierced the air. There was a short silence before you batted open your eyes, seeing the body of the zombie go limp on top of Leon. Blood was splattered on the wall behind, the dark, red liquid trickling down to meet with the checker, tiled floor. Your heavy panting began to slow as you heard a light groan from below the corpse.

Leon was alive.

"Agh, fuck—"

He shoved the limp body to the side in disgust, his breaths unsteady just as yours. You let out a huge sigh of relief and dropped Kennedy's gun to the floor as he crawled back beside you. He drug his sleeve across his face and let out grunt before looking over to you, astonished.

"Where the hell did you learn that?" he questioned breathlessly. You couldn't tell if he was being serious or humorous, but either way, you were still too shocked to even gather your words correctly.

"I... I don't know, I—"

"Hey," Leon placed his gloved hand on your shoulder and your eyes met with his. "Calm down, (Y/N). You saved me. We're alive, that's all that matters... C'mon—"

He took a hold of your shaky arms and helped you up to your feet. You took deep breaths attempting to calm yourself as Leon crouched down beside you, picking up his weapon and your flashlight. He held it out to you as he inserted his pistol at his waist. You hesitantly took your hefty flashlight between your hands before he bent back down and grabbed his own that lied next to the limp zombie. He stared down at the body for a moment, the corpse twitching slighty.

"Let's hope it doesn't get back up," Leon spoke lowly then looked back over to you, sympathy and relief filling his eyes. "Thank you, (Y/N). But next time, run. I shouldn't have let my guard down like that. This is the second time you've saved me when I should be protecting you."

You gazed up at him and nodded weakly in response, still in shock at what had happened. It would've been cowardly of you if you had just taken off like he had told you. In the end, you and Leon were alive. Sudden bravery had struck you and you still couldn't pin-point where it came from. Leon peered back down at the zombie again, the limp arms beginning to twitch even more and he attentively put a hand on the base of his gun.

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