Drake's Epiphany PART 6

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While Drake and Eva are having their lunch date, a woman comes screaming at drake.


Drake: "Who are you?"

LADY: "You don't remember me now, now you're just putting up a front because this basic chick is here."

Eva: "OH, girl, i don't know who you are, and this isn't even my boyfriend, we're just old friends trying to have lunch together. I haven't seen ihm in a long time, and we would like to catch up, so i'm goingto ask you to leave."

LADY: "NO, i am not leaving until Aubrey leaves with me."

Drake: "WHO ARE YOU?!"

LADY: "ALEXIS! Why don't you remember me."

Eva: "Aubrey this is too much drama, maybe i should leave."

LADY: "Yes, you're so smart, you should leave."

Waiter: "Is there a problem?"

Drake: "No i got this."

Drake: "Listen i do remember you. you were my old girlfriend like 7 years ago, but we're over now, so can you please leave?"

LADY (Alexis): "You don't love me anymore?"

Drake: "Never did"

Eva: "BOOM"

The lady (Alexis) finally walks away and Drake and Eva continue.

Eva: "Seriously who was that?"

Drake: "An old CRAZY girlfriend of mines, we dated years back, and honestly she's just psycho."

Eva: "Well i'm a little startled can we finish up here?"

Drake and Eva finish eating and get into the car.

(In the Black Range Rover)

Drake: "Okay so where do you want to go next, the night is still young it's only 5pm"

Eva: "I had enough drama for the day, can you take me home please?"

Drake: "Are you sure you don't want to see a movie or something?"

Eva: "NOW"

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