Drake's Epiphany PART 13

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(Saturday Morning)

Drake fell asleep last night, he's debating on whether he should read the voicemail or not, he really doesn't want to be disappointed again. His flight is in an hour, so he gets ready to leave. Drakes mother cooks him a to go breakfast and gives him a kiss before he leaves.

Momma: "Aubrey! When are you coming back to see me?"

Drake: "How about next time i fly you out to my house in California, and you spend some time at my house?"

Momma: "Sounds good to me baby boy!"

Drake: "I love you mom! See you soon!"

Drake kisses his mom on the forehead and gets his bags into his black Range Rover. As he gets his things Drake's mom watches him out the window with a smile. Drake's phone vibrates a couple of times and Eva is calling him again. He still ignores it and makes his way to the airport.

As Drakes gets closer to the airport he starts to feel bad and starts missing Eva. Then he starts thinking of what Eva did to him again, and suddenly builds anger again. He gets to the aiport and boards his flight to New York.

Drake: *I'll check the voicemail once i hit New York.*

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