36 Jacob Kowalski x Reader || Thank Merlin For That!

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Jacob Kowalski x Reader  (m/f)

"[Y/N]!", your husband Jacob Kowalski exclaims as he enters your chaotic kitchen. After a long day of work in the bakery, you're sure this mess is the last thing he wants to come home to.

"Darling...", he says, his voice is measured, but his eyes are as wide as the proverbial saucers, "What's happened to our kitchen?"

The usually neat and orderly workplace is covered from top to toe in flour and sticky icing sugar, and so are you. There's a reason you  stick to the book keeping for the business!

"I was trying the Muggle way of cooking", you admit, feeling your cheeks flush, "Cooking from scratch and all that, like you do in the bakery... I just wanted to make you something nice"

"Oh, sugar", he stifles a laugh as he embraces you, "You tried your best. What were you trying to make?"

"Strudel", you say, and to your utter embarrassment tears sting your eyes, "I know it's your favourite"

"It is my favourite", Jacob says, placing a tender kiss on your forehead, "But there's no point in crying over... failed strudel"

You can't help but giggle.

"How about we finish it together?", he smiles kindly at you and you feel your heart swell. Your love for Jacob is far greater than your ability to make strudel the Muggle way.... and thank Merlin for that!

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