6-A new side

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Mark ran up the stairs, hoping that the cop hadn't seen anything and wasn't going to call the commotion in. He assumed that they hadn't heard anything or didn't think anything of it because they didn't come back inside to check what was going on.

Anger bubbled in his chest as his fist made a new hole in the drywall that he installed to protect the fridge from the basement door. He had punched it to hard that his fist collided with the fridge and his skin had split at the impact. He pulled back his blooded limb, transfixed by the look of it. 

His own blood hadn't split in over a decade, not from violence. The last time that his fist had bleed from punching something out of anger is when he had beat his first object of prey. A man who has deserved to be Mark's first kill, sparking the rest of his life as a serial killer. It's all he thought about, all he dreamt of when the voice were away.

Mark brought his bleeding hand to his lips and licked the blood off, liking the taste of the liquid. On his tongue.

He then rested his head on the wall, he felt like he was loosing his mind. With the pressure from the police and having to deal with a man with amnesia, not to mention his bloodlust to kill. He was stressed to say the least.

" The police are going to find out, they're going to find me and I'm going to die" Mark muttered to himself.

He lightly banged his head on the wall, eyes closed in pain. He thought that maybe he should accept his death. He'd killed many and brutally. It wasn't right and it wasn't justified no matter how evil the man had been. He was even keeping someone against their will and his own all to keep his own life on track.

Jack probably had people that acted for him on the outside world. He might have a wife and children, a girlfriend, parents and siblings that missed his dearly. He was the one responsible for taking their loved one away, stashing him somewhere so no one else could see him.

Mark sucked in a deep breath, feeling his lungs expand in his chest. For the first time in a long time, his shakes shook with anxiety.

" I'm also the reason he didn't die from the cold, but for all the wrong reasons".

The murder turned back to face his kitchen. The half eaten bowl of cereal and the rest of the shopping he had yet to put away. He frowned at it, disliking such an obvious mess.

Mark quickly downed the rest of the cereal, drinking it straight from the bowel, he didn't want to waste the food. He then shoved the nonperishables into random cupboard and sat the milk next to his beer. The only two things in the fridge.

He then turned to his empty house, it was quiet with the small platter of rain still sounding outside. It had been rainy on and off for a few days, he didn't hate it, but perhaps it made his mood more depressed than it already was.

Marks gut wrenched as he remembered Jack downstairs. He didn't know what he should do with him. He didn't want to hurt him, not really, punishment for a natural urge to escape wasn't an option.

" Maybe I should just tell him it will be over soon. The cops will catch me and he'll be free" Mark spoke.
" Maybe he will just wait until that day".

Mark huffed and racked his hands through his faded hair. He figured that it was morally better to treat the boy better and tell him that if waits, he will be free. If the police don't catch him, then he'll let him go so that they do.

He was reaching his thirties and perhaps it was now his killing spree should end. He had always found comfort in the thought of dying early. He didn't want to waste away in a chair, unable to take care of himself. He hated relying on another person and it made him sick to think that one day he will be a vegetable.

" I have to get a grip" Mark mumbled to himself as he set up dinner for himself.


The detective looked from the photos he had spread out on his desk. Each coloured picture held a different body part, each severed at approximately the same place. It was the work of a professional, someone who has had previous medical knowledge.

The young man rubbed his forehead. Maybe transferring to homicide early was a bad idea. He should have remained a normal detective.

" Nolan! Any headway?" Another male asked, a little younger.

Nolan grumbled through his thoughts, looking down at the files.
" There is over one hundred parts all from different bodies. The identified have nothing in common, they're all from different areas. The parts where found from everywhere up stream to the ocean. There's no markings from the same blade and no forensic evidence" Nolan spoke darkly.

He felt like wrenching all of the papers and picture off his desk and ripping his hair out. Then maybe he'd fit in with the older investigators.

" We have nothing" He sighed.

The younger detective frowned.
" What did the locals say in the area".

Nolan huffed again as took the last cold gulp of his coffee.
" Nothing our of the ordinary was reported, just a missing persons case".

" A missing person? Maybe a potential victim?" The younger man asked.

Nolan rubbed his green eyes through his glasses, stress getting the better of him.
" At a family reunion the uncle went out to find the family's cat and never came back. He's probably frozen dead somewhere, the family said he'd often go out into dangerous situations without a care, this one is probably the one that got him".

" Nolan, take a break, relax. Something will turn up" The young boy spoke.

The detective glanced at the clock, it was getting late, almost midnight. He should go home and see his girlfriend, hold her. The bodies could wait another few days, after all. Everyone else told him not to investigate, said that it was old body parts that probably had been frozen for years and tossed into the water this winter. Either that, or a serial killer that was too good to be worth ruining a career over.

Nolan glanced at his phones background. A small girl with dark hair and green eyes smiling up at his father. A father who couldn't afford to end his career, he wanted his little girl to go to collage one day.

Maybe it was best to drop something the whole sector was calling a cold case. No one else was bothering with it, it seemed that the general public didn't care nor did the police force. So why should he bother? Someone's doing the work they're to lazy to do.

Nolan chuckled to himself.
" Maybe I should give this bastard a medal instead".

He gathered his coat and flicked off the lights off his office. Locking the door to head home.

" Well at least he isn't publicly bragging about it like every other lunatic....".

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