11-Gaining trust

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Jack woke to someone opening the door to the bathroom. His back was pressed up next to the bathtub of the standing shower which made his jump, thinking that it was some one behind him. He looked up as Mark told up to stand, of which he did, wiping sleep from his eyes.

" Hurry up, we have to get moving" Mark ordered.

Jack nodded meekly and followed the man out to the car, barely registering that Mark was holding his hand to guide him.

He was shoved into the passengers side and he clicked in his own seat belt. Through his tired state he noticed that he was sitting on something. He pulled it out to see that it was the rope he had been freed from the night before. He just set the length onto the floor, hoping no one walking around in the parking lot would notice it.

"I have a friend a state over" Mark said, seeming well rested in his words. " He said we could stay there".

One question lingered on his tongue, one he wasn't sure how to ask, or phrase. Did this friend know about...the situation? What would he do if it he found out?

" D-Does he know?" Jack asked, his voice stuttering and cracking nervously.

Mark chuckled lightly as he flipped his blinker on to turn, watching to see if cars where coming.

" He knows everything, we met because we were going after the same target, just for different reasons" Mark explained, pausing to turn the corner.

Jack bit his tongue, he was silently hoping that it wasn't someone who was insane. Someone who he could slip a note to and then be free. But no, they just had to be going to another serial killers house.

" I'm warning you Jack, don't go anywhere alone with him" Mark warned.

"Why?" Jack said, not realising that he had spoken until after the words came out of his mouth.

Mark stopped at a red light, sighing, pushing his fading hair back.

" Because he likes to torture people and you and me, we're his perfect targets".

Jack's head nearly hit the floor of the car. He looked at Mark like he was more crazy then he already was. If this person wanted to hurt them, then they are they going to his house?

" Why are we going there if he wants to hurt us?" Jack asked.

Again Mark chuckled, like he was talking a child who didn't understand something simple he was trying to explain. He turned a corner, going onto a freeway, he blended into the heavy traffic.

" As long as were in the same room it's okay. It's only when he's alone with another person that he'll try anything. Otherwise he's normal. You can trust him, he's only attacked me once".

Jack looked out the window at the other cars, not even registering that they had other people in it. His mind as racing. They were going to what sounded like a really dangerous place, all because he didn't want to leave the country. Was that really the right call? Could Jack trust his own judgement anymore?

It had been three days of driving and sleeping in motels or the car. On the second night Mark had trusted Jack enough to sleep in on of the beds, although his hands were tied to the headboard. Jack didn't even care, he was just so glad to sleep in a bed instead of a cold tile floor. Mark had, had small outbursts of anger, taking it out on Jack once or twice. Otherwise he was clam, however, today he was especially angry. Jack had to use the restroom in a public place which made someone notice that he was the man on the wanted posters. This had caused the two to flee town, luckily the witness didn't see their car so they couldn't be easily tracked. However, it still had made the man very angry.

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