10-A new place

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Jack woke when the car abruptly stopped and then rumble of the engine ease, then halted. He opened his tired eyes to find nothing but blackness, he couldn't see anything. Flexing his limbs he found that he was still tied in the same position that he was left in. A sharp pain overtook his right side and he expressed that pain through a throat gargle, one of the only noises that he could make. It felt like the right side of him was being squished with a pair of strong hand. It was a red hot pain that only worsened as he gasped in breaths.

Light filled his vision as the trunk was opened, making a small creaking sound. The sun back dropped over Mark as he looked down to his prey. The man was clean cut, with a light blue shirt on and darker pants. His fingers fiddled with the keys of the car as he looked inquisitively down at him. He read pain of Jack's face, but was confused as to where it would have happened. He had done nothing to him.

Jack flinched back as Mark's hand touched his face, the action only making the pain flare more.

" Don't bother screaming, there's no one around to hear you" Mark spoke in a low tone.

At that, the gag was taken off of Jack. He moved his mouth around, after being restricted for so long it was painful to move those muscles again.

" Please" Jack whimpered. " My side".

Mark sat down on the edge of the bot, looking down at him. He seemed very clam as dusk took over them. The car was stopped in a desert on the side of a paved road. No one but snakes and the shrubs where to be seen. There were no houses to speak of either.

" What's wrong with your side?" Mark asked, his fingers fiddled with the rope holding Jack together.

Jack huffed and tensed as his legs where released, the movement hurting him even more. Mark didn't remove the ties on his hands, just in case. Both men waited patiently for the pain to subside, though it never left.

" Pain" was all Jack could utter out.

Mark sighed and stood up, his hands gripping Jack by his arms. He was lifted out of the car and it only caused the pain to be worse. Jack's face froze in mid scream for a few moments, only small sounds of discomfort coming out of his mouth. He wasn't allowed to scream so he wouldn't.

The Irishmen was sat on the edge of the boot in the same manner that Mark was. The hunter stood, holding the boy by his shoulders.

" What side?" Mark asked.

Jack had now began to sweat a little bit at the pain. " Right".

Mark lifted up Jack's black shirt on the right, instantly making the captive feel uncomfortable. Mark's fingers grazed a spot where it looked red and swollen. The boy cried out in pain, like he had been stabbed.

" The right side of your rib cage has fallen down. I must have left you in your binds for too long, the moving vehicle doesn't help either" Mark stated, guiding for him to stand.

Jack stood on shaking legs, he hadn't used them in a long time, it was painful to do so. But not as painful as his side. They walked a few steps from the car, Mark's hands never leaving him.

" I'm going to have to pop it back in" The taller man stated.

Jack's eyes widened with fear as he shook his head. He tried to step away from the man but was held in place by his hands. " No" he whispered.

" Stop being a baby" Mark snapped.

Mark brought the boy closer, placing his open palm on his aching side. Mark's over hand kept his body in place as the other applied quick pressure to the area. A crack that sounded more like a snap was heard coming from the boy. Jack screamed in pain for a few seconds only for his pleads to be stopped by Mark's hand covering his mouth.

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