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Jack sat on the basement floor above the ring that was installed in the wall. His hands sat free in his lap without strings attached. Only his right ankle was restricted within the confined of a chain that lead up to the ring. Mark had been nice to the boy and agreed to only chain him up instead of tying his hands as well.

Nightfall had fallen hours ago when he had been put down here. He wished that he had a different place instead of the cold cement that numbed his rear the longer that he sat on it. He didn't want to fall asleep here and he doubted that he would. Even when the lights were turned off so he wouldn't be bothered by it, he wouldn't be able to sleep, not with how nervous he was. He never knew what was going to happen next and that uncertainty was enough to keep his eyes open, staring into the black.

Jack's head snapped up when he heard one of the external doors slam upstairs. He didn't know that Mark had gone out, he hoped that it was an intruder. Someone who would come downstairs and see the scene, call the police. He hoped so greatly that it was someone in their right mind. Someone he could trust wouldn't change personalities with the wind.

When the basement door swung open it was Mark standing at the threshold. Jack squinted through the pool of light to see that there was someone with him, or rather, he had someone.

As Mark walked down the stairs it became clearer and clearer that he was holding someone against their will, he could hear them struggling and fighting, letting out growls and swears at him. A female with long flowing blonde hair and sliver makeup. She was restricted by Mark's strong arms wrapped around her stomach so she could thrash as much as she liked without harming her kidnapper.

Jack's heart rate increased as he saw the scene unfold before him, he knew that Mark hunted for people, he knew that. But seeing it actually happen was a different topic, one that killed him on the inside. He could only watch with shaking hands as the women screamed and pleaded to be let go. Her shimmering white sliver dress was torn at the bottom, exposing her leg and some of her underwear. She wore one pink high heel, no sign of the other one anywhere.

Mark threw the women onto the floor like a sack of potatoes directly in front of Jack. She collided with the cement and scraped her hands as she attempted to break her fall. Mark only glanced at Jack while he did so, barely acknowledging that he was there.

Jack froze in his place, horror stricken across his face as he watched the scene unfold. He felt so scared, his mind screaming at him to move and try to escape, however he wouldn't let himself. He'd learnt his lesson last time and he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Mark held the females wrists to stop her from hitting him as he knelt down to straddle her stomach, letting her legs struggle behind him, her remaining shoe flying off as she screamed for help. Tears streamed down her face as she pleaded for mercy.

Mark's gaze snapped up to look at Jack. The Irishmen held his breath in fear as he saw the mania in the eyes of the man who was looking directly at him. It was a mix of crazy and lust, it was unnerving, like making eye contact with someone holding you at gunpoint. Mark released the women's hands to reach into his back pocket, he seemed to be completely unfazed as she battered on his chest in an attempted to escape.

The killer fished the key for Jack's lock out of his pants and proceeded to unlock his chains. Jack was puzzled as he felt the chain loosen and be removed by his captor.

" If you move I will kill you!" Mark boomed over the women's screams.

Jack nodded his head, staying in place, shaking with fear.

He watched as Mark managed to wrap the chain around the girls small waist and pull it tight, locking it there. He then let her go and jumped back as she swiped at him, seeming to be acting more like a rabid animal than a human. No one blamed her, some people went to extremes to be free.

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