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Jack nervously sat on the plastic chair in the kitchen with a bowel of fruit loops in front of him. He had eaten a little over half but had started to feel sick, not knowing why, he stopped.

The room was strangely quiet, with a constant rhythm of the dripping tap giving a loose indicator as to how much time has passed. Judging by how high the sun was through the clouds he could tell that it must have been midday an he had only woken up a little ago. His sleep schedule had been completely destroyed with his time here.

He sat with no restraints on him, nothing was stopping him from roaming around the house. But he knew that every exit was locked with the key in Mark's pocket. There was no need to get up. Besides, if Jack truly wanted to escape by earning this man's trust, he had to show that he wasn't going to run.

"Get off me!" The women's voice screamed up the stairs of the basement.

Jack looked up to see Mark carrying the female up the stairs in the same manner that she had been taken down. Two strong hand around her stomach. He watched as his captor didn't have any trouble carrying her, trying to get to sit down like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

"No!No!No!" She screamed as she somehow managed to scramble away from his grip.

Jack watched as she ran to the backdoor with bare feet, trying to get it open. She even banged on the wood as if someone would hear her. Mark rolled his eyes as he just picked the tall of the chain that held her up from the floor. Using it as a lead he lead her back to the chair.

She continued to fight, her fist rising to hit Mark in the face. Jack gasped as Mark caught the hit with one bare hand and held it there. Her face twisted in fear, not expecting him to do such a thing. Mark then held her in a headlock dragging her to the chair and forcing her to sit back on it. Her chain was wrapped around the metal chair and locked there, binding her waist to it. She tries to get up with the chair only to find that Mark had since bolted it to the floor, unlike the time Jack had been in a similar position.

Mark place a hand on her shoulder as she 'calmed down' acknowledging the fact that she wouldn't be able to run yet.

" Do you want something to eat?" Mark asked.

The women squeezed more tears from her eyes as she nodded. She looked thin and like she hadn't eaten real food in a long time. Probably from the drugs.

As Mark made the girl food Jack continued to eat his meal slowly, feeling sicker with every mouthful. He began to think that perhaps he couldn't eat milk, he had ignored the pain last time because he was so hungry. But now that he was focus on what his body told him, it told him to stop. But again, he was hungry.

" What's your name?" The girl asked, a small lisp he didn't notice showing through her accent.

Jack swallowed his food and cringed as it hit his stomach. Glancing over to Mark he saw that he stopped what he was doing to pay attention to the conversation, he wasn't stopped it.

" Jack" He spoke softly. "You?".

"Clare" The girl responded.

Jack just nodded to her words, unsure of what to say. She looked so broken and scared. All Jack wanted to do was hug her and tell her that everything was going to be okay. But he couldn't do that, Mark had told him that he could not touch her and he wanted to get on Mark's good side.

A small bowel of the same cereal was set gently in front of her, a plastic spoon it the milk. He didn't trust her with any metal. She only looked down at the substance and bit her lip, contemplating on whether to eat it. She thought that it could be poisoned.

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