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There were nights where my moon was full, and you slowly hid behind her light.

At those times, even though I'm happy in those moments, I feared for losing you. You were constantly on my mind.

Like starlight, you were sensitive. Always changing, yet never moving before the eyes of man.

You are the silent assassin to my failure, yet also the daylight murderer to my success.

I hated you with a living passion.

I hate that I am never able to run from you.

Yet deep inside, I'm just a child fearful of meeting you.

I haven't even seen your face, yet I wanted to hate you.

Though much like the stars that shine in the sky, you navigated my lifestyle.

Why couldn't I love you?

Is forgetting you not the only way of being happy?


My StarlightDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora