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Alex POV
{One week later}
Alex was watching the videos of the contest, he had been exhausted but that was fine, at least he thought it was...

He had so much to do, he had to do 2 videos a day {one at 10H and one at 18H} like always.

He had to chose three videos, and it was so difficult, because all the videos were great.

But then there was a video that he saw of a girl, she had black hair and beautiful brown eyes, and her sing oh, she sang like a bird in the morning, she sang like something you ear and you can't stop earing it.

He thought it was an original, because he never heard the song, he read the description, he was right it was an original.

'I hope you guys liked this video, through I don't sing that good, but yeah thank you for watching.
Instagram: betseybets
Twitter: Betsey.S
Snapchat: ElizaBeth'

He thought on going to search for her on Instagram but then he thought 'Alex stop being a stalker, she's your fan', he decided to not look for her whoever that girl was he couldn't, she was a fan that would be wrong.

But at least he already knew who was going to win.

He noted her name 'betseybets' he thought her name might be beth, or elizabeth 'Elizabeth hã, how cute'he thought,

Ok, he already had a winner now he just had to find two persons to be in second and third place.

He groaned, god he had so much work to do

Some people might think that be a youtuber is easy, some people even though that they just had to do something stupid and they would make money, just like that, but the truth was it wasn't that easy, they have work to do too, they have too edit the videos, they have to work doing the videos, they have work to find a subject for a good video, they search like hell to find thinks about it...

At the least the kind of content that alex did

Alex did videos reacting to thinks or explaining a subject that people didn't knew about, like 'the most dangerous animals in the whole world', and even sometimes playing a game.

Alex remembered his first Million, he was so happy...

And it gave work to get where he is right now, so much work.

But he did it, and he was so happy about that, he was happy he got there, some people in the same condition he was when he was little would've given up, and he was proud he didn't...

Of course there were always going to be people that hated him,

Haters, he had lots of them, I mean look at him, he was a youtuber that maked success, success created jealousy and jealousy created haters,

However, Alex was happy he had haters, he knew it might seem strange but when he had a hater he thought that meant that he was in a good way that he was making success.

And the thinks that they said didn't effected him because why would he care about people that say bad thinks about him when he has people that say good things?

He couldn't understand how some youtubers started a scandal because of a hater, buddy you've got subscribers that love you why would you do that?

Alex just didn't understand why.

One thing that Alex hated too was arguments between youtubers, like why?

Why are you going to start an argument just because the other called that, they were youtubers they were supposed to give the exemple, but some people just didn't get that.

Whatever, Alex was happy and he was a good exemple he never fought with a fan or with a youtuber.

For now...
Word count- 641 words
Whoa this was a rought one, but I loved writing it, I hope you guys enjoyed as well- clamijo

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