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The image above it's important for the story,
Alex POV
{One month later}
Alex was super happy, like all the time, it passed one month since he and Eliza were dating.

He was planning on taking her to the cinema on a date.

And telling his fans about them, I mean it had already pass a month so maybe Eliza was fine with it, he though Eliza was fine with it.

Immediately after he finished recording the videos he published a tweet telling people about them.

People were retweeting a lot and there was lots of likes, all of this happened in only 5 minutes.

But Alex was used to that, it was not like it was something new happening in his life.

He called Eliza, and she was not answering, he was getting worried.

Finally she answered in the fifth time he called her.

"Hey, what's up?" Alex asked with a worried voice.

"What's up, what's up, Alex are you really asking me that?" Eliza said with a angry voice.

"What happened love?" Alex asked

"Alex I told you I didn't want to tell to the people yet, and do you do, tell to the people" Eliza said almost crying

"Look I'm sorry I didn't know you would be so mad" he paused " we make one month so I thought-"

"You thought what Alex?, that tell the people without even asking me would be good?"

"No, I thought you were fine with it" Alex said "but why are so mad anyway, I thought you wanted people to know about us"

"Yeah but not this way Alex" Eliza said with a angry voice, and Alex was scared he had never heard her in a such a state.

"Look I'm sorry can we talk about this?"

"No Alex we can't, you made a mistake ok?, and to be honest I don't really wanna talk to you right now" Eliza answered.

"But Liza-"

She hung up,

Alex couldn't take it, he started crying, he had just lost his girlfriend, and all because of his stupid pride, god why was he so stupid?

Alex's breaths became more rushed.

Oh no, not now, this couldn't be happening now.

He was having a panic attack, he tried to calm down but he just couldn't every time he though of Eliza he would start crying more and his breaths would become rushed again.

He was scared the only persons that he told this was John and Eliza.

He called Eliza once again, and she answered

"Alex I already told you I don't want to talk to you right-"

"ELIZA" Alex screamed in pain

"Alex what happened?" Eliza said worried

"Im" he stoped to breathe "I'm having a panic attack" He said between breaths

"OH MY GOD ALEX, calm down I'm coming there okay?" Eliza said with a worried voice

"O-okay" Alex said still with rushed breaths.


Eliza came over and ran to Alex's room,

She cried at seeing him on the ground trying to calm himself down, crying.

But she knew she had to stay calm for him

"Lex, lex shhh calm down" Eliza pulling him in her arms.

He continued crying and taking rushed breaths.

"Alex look at me, i'm here okay everything is going to be alright." Eliza said kissing his forehead

Alex looked at her and started to calm down, when he was fully calm he hugged her, and never wanted to let go.

She finally pulled away from the hug to talk to him.

"Lex I'm so sorry I feel like this was all my fault which was, i'm sorry I never wanted you to feel like this it's just I was hurt, because we talked about it and said I didn't want it but I understand if you want it I mean it's your fans not mines and I'm sorry"

"Hey, hey don't worry ok? I'm fine now that your here just promise me that you will never go again" Alex said

"I promise"
Word count- 663 words
Guys I didn't write yesterday and I'm sorry for that but I had to study for a test, however I hope you guys enjoyed- clamijo

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