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Eliza's POV
{One month later}
Eliza and Alex were talking about their future,

"Oh and we will have one kid an-" Alex said enthusiastically

"Babe we need to have at least four kids" Eliza said

"Four kids?" Alex asked shoked, he didn't know she wanted so many of them, but that was fine for him, if he was with her everything would be perfect.

"Yeah" Eliza said grinning at his reaction.

Eliza wanted so bad to have a future with him, to marry and have kids.

But she knew it was really soon, they were just 22 and they were just together for 6 months right now, not even a year,

Maybe she was was taking things too fast , but she didn't want to do that right now, she wanted to wait a few years, she wanted to live her life before she did those things.

And one thing that she knew was that Alex wanted the same so it was perfect.

"Well it's going to be perfect as long your there" Alex said getting up from the bed kissing her forehead "I'm going to make dinner" he said turning around and leaving the room.

Eliza smiled, she had the best boyfriend in the whole world, the Alexander Hamilton, as she used to say.

Now that she thinks of their past it seems so strange, it all started with a contest, and that contest gave her a life, the life that she always wanted, and it just took two years for her to leave college and start her career of music, she couldn't wait for that, to have a real job, how would that feel?

"Babe dinner's ready" Alex called from the kitchen.

"Coming" Eliza said.

Eliza had moved in with Alex, her roommates were not really happy about it, especially her sister, but she wanted her to be happy, so she let her do that, and because she trusted Alex, she had already met him, and approved him, she, Theo and Adri, she was so happy when she  moved in with him, and he was too, it had already passed almost 2 weeks, and Eliza was on vacation right now.

Eliza got into kitchen and Alex was there putting the plates and the cups on the table.

"Humm, this smells so good" Eliza said sitting in a chair.

"Why thank you" Alex said laughing

"Your welcome, you want to pray?" Eliza asked, she was religious, not too much but she did go to church, and that was the way her parents taught her.

"No you pray" Alex had been going with her to church, he said to her that he liked it, and Eliza was happy he did.

"Okay" Eliza said closing her eyes

"Lord, we thank you for the food we have in our table, and for the day you gave to us and because you've been loyal to us, thank you, and we ask you to give us a good night, in the name of Jesus, Amén"

"Amén" Alex said picking his fork and knife to eat. "hey babe?"

"Yeah Lex?" Eliza asked

"I've been thinking, why don't you became a youtuber?, I mean you have the humour and everyone likes you, so why not?" Alex said

"Oh I don't know Lexi, I don't know if people would like me there" Eliza answered

"I'm sure they would, I mean who wouldn't like you?" Alex said kissing her cheek.

Eliza giggled, maybe she would become a youtuber, just to try.

"Okay I'll try I guess" Eliza said

"Great" Alex said with enthusiasm.

Eliza laughed at his reaction, she would try youtube it couldn't be that bad right..?
Word count- 614 words
Hey guyssssss I'm sorry I've been so inactive but I'm way to lazyyyyyy soooo I'm sorry and also we are on 550 readers thank you guys so much love you- clamijo

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