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Alex's POV
Alex had just woke up, it was Saturday meant it was the day he was going to buy the ring,

He was nervous, he always wanted to ask Eliza this so why was he feeling this way?

He was cooking breakfast for him, trying to do the less noise he could to not wake up Eliza,

He felt two arms wrap around his waist, she yawned "good morning Lexi" she said very sleepy

"Good morning Liza" he said nervousness in his voice

"You okay?" she asked cupping his face in her hands

"Yeah, look I'll have to go in a few minutes" Alex said

"Oh, where are you going?" Eliza asked

"I'm going to hum, meet with the guys, yeah" Alex said, he hated to lie to Eliza but this was for a good reason

"Okay, then I guess I'll see in the afternoon?" Eliza asked with a sad look

"Oh no I must be getting here to lunch" Alex said, he hated to leave her too, but again this was for a good reason

"Oh great" Eliza said smiling, how Alex loved to see her smile, that beautiful face of hers,

He kissed her and she gasped but quickly kissed back "I love you" Alex said with a baby voice

"I love you too" Eliza said back the same way Alex said to her and Alex giggled

"I'm just going to eat something and head out" Alex said

"Ok, but what about youtube you know videos?" She asked

"I already did one yesterday I'm just going to do another one on lunch and then I'm free, I guess" Alex said and Eliza laughed "also do you have everything ready for y'know YouTube?"

"Actually yes, everything's ready I can't wait to start" Eliza said excitedly "especially now that I'm on vacation"

"Yeah, also were almost at you're birthday, what are you going to do on that day?" Alex asked, he already knew what he was going to do, he was gonna ask her to marry him on her birthday,

"I'm still not sure, I have to plan everything still, but as long as I'm with my friends and my handsome boyfriend I'll be fine" Eliza said and Alex laughed

They finished eating and Alex quickly made it to the door "I'm already going" he said and he and Eliza hugged "I love you princess"

"Me too, good luck" Eliza said giggling, Alex quickly kissed and got to his car

He drove to the shopping, that was the place he and John had combined to meet

He got there and saw John, Angelica and Peggy

"Hey guys I didn't knew you two were coming" Alex said pointing to Peggy and Angelica

"Of course we were coming, we're talking about my sister okay" Angelica said

"Are you really gonna ask her to marry you though?" Peggy asked excitedly

"I-I humm-"

"He totally is" John said with obvious voice

Peggy squealed and hugged Alex "yes, Alex your my favorite"

"Ouch" John said pretending to be offended

"I'm sorry John but you're my top 2" Peggy said laughing

"Double ouch" John said "damn I'm no one's favourite"

"I'm sure you're Eliza's favourite Johnny, seeing as Peggy has NO ONE" Angelica said screaming the last part

"I'm sorry if boys are so boring it's not my fault I can't find anyone" Peggy said

"Okay guys let's just go we gotta find the perfect ring and we're losing time" John said already walking

"Yeah let's go" Alex said walking too

A few moments later after passing through a amount of fans they made it to the jewelery store,

Alex was amazed there was so many rings, and of so many kinds

"Which do you think it fits more with Liza?" John asked Alex who stared blankly at all those rings

"What do you think about this one?" Peggy said pointing to a ring that had silver and gold on top of it

"It's good but I don't think it fits Eliza pretty well" Alex said

"Yeah you're right, this is what I want when someone proposes to me, tell that to my future husband okay?" Peggy said

Alex laughed "yeah course Peggs" he said and kept looking around when he stared at a beautiful big diamond ring and on the round it had little diamonds, Alex quickly thought that was the one, he called everyone to give their opinions

"It's beautiful Alex, Eliza will love it" Angelica said to him, surprisingly that was the nicest thing she had ever said to him

"Yeah I think so too" Alex said looking at the ring

"So you're taking this one?" John asked

"Yeah" Alex answered excitedly

John called the lady and Alex payed for it, it was pretty expensive but for Eliza it was worth it

Alex closed the box where the ring was and smiled he couldn't wait to ask her to be his wife

Alex couldn't help but think about a future that Eliza's last name was Hamilton, Mrs. Hamilton, he even thought of kids they would be mixture of him and her, how perfect that would be

He couldn't wait to ask her...
Word count- 862 words
Hey guys, it's been a while sorry guys but my situation it's not the best I'll try to update as much as can- clamijo

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