Chapter 6

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Lucy laid in her bed feeling restless and uneasy. For hours she tossed and turned, but to no avail. During her reign, there was only one place she could go that always lifted her spirits.

Mr. Tumnus' house

Besides, a long ride would also make her feel better. She looked outside and saw the dark night filled with stars. She figured it was close to three in the morning. Plenty of time to go to the Western Wood and return close to supper. No one would really even notice except for Rilian. But surely Rilian would forgive her for a one day absence. Lucy hated disappointing anyone, but she yearned to go and mourn and reminisce in the Fawns house. She quickly dressed into a dark maroon riding gown which brought out the auburn brilliance in her hair, and tied a cream colored cloak around her neck. She walked down to the stables and breathed in the aroma of the barns. The entire stable was quiet as all of the servants had retired for the evening. Her eyes landed on a white mare, and knew that that was the horse she wanted to ride. She collected the necessary equipment and began the process of saddling a horse. It had been so long since she had prepared a horse she joyously immersed her entire being into the task and did not hear someone lurking behind her.

"What are you doing?"

Lucy jumped at the familiar voice.
"Caspian! You scared me." Lucy flustered. "I was just going to go for a ride." She replied as she threw a saddle on her horse's  back.
"But it is not even dawn Lucy."
"I could not sleep." She answered nonchalantly as she bent down to fasten the saddle.
"And what makes you think you can just go riding in the middle of the night when there are possible invaders?" He asked worriedly.
She shrugged her shoulders and started putting the bridle on, which only frustrated Caspian.
"Lucy." He cupped her shoulders with his hands and turned her around so she was facing him. Since they were standing so close together, Lucy had to look up, since he was taller than her by over six inches.
  "I don't want you riding alone, it's far too dangerous." He said, looking down at her.
  "I am not helpless Caspian." She narrowed her gaze at him.
    "I am not saying that, I just want you to be careful." He concerned.
   "Fine," she snorted. "I should be back by supper, just tell Rilian I'm sorry." She stated as she mounted the mare.
   "Lucy you are not listening to me, you shouldn't leave-"
  "Caspian I'll be fine." She responded icily. He watched her for several moments before sighing heavily.
    "Alright, I suppose I shall have to go with you since you won't change your mind." He was slightly annoyed that she would not listen to him, but Caspian knew he could not just let her wonder around alone when there were traitors in their midst.

Fifteen minutes later, Caspian and Lucy were mounted on their horses and rode in silence through the city.

"It's so quiet." She whispered, breaking the silence.
"Well what do you expect," Caspian smiled, his frustrations long gone. "It is only three in the morning."
   "Well I like it actually, because when we came to Narnia for the first time, there weren't many people at all, and I loved it that way." She said and then went off in another happy world, leaving Caspian to think of her words. Neither of them said anything until they exited the city and went into the nearest forest heading east. Only until they were walking in the forest for nearly ten minutes did Caspian speak in the moonlight.

"Hmm?" Lucy asked in confusion.
"Why did you love it when there were no humans here the first time?" He could not understand why someone could love having no humans in Narnia.

"Oh." He heard her laugh, and for some reason, it made him smile that he was the one who had made it happen.

"Because it felt so free." She said simply, and there was a long pause that followed. For a while Caspian thought she was going to continue, but when she did not, He turned and studied her in the moonlight, attempting to figure her out. Fortunately, it was nearly a full moon, so he could see her clearly.
   Her long brown auburn hair lay in long thick curls, and on the top of her head sat her silver crown. She had high elegant cheekbones, and was wearing a deep red riding dress which suited her features elegantly. He remembered her plump cheeks and childlike figure, but as he stared at her now, he saw she had completely transformed into a woman.
She really has grown up to be very beautiful indeed.
He thought to himself as she rode right beside him elegantly. He suddenly cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the weird thought that just went though his head.

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