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"How can two hearts be torn apart so slowly and so painfully? We didn't see it coming. You didn't tell me. Now I am craving your heart, your touch, your smell... Everything I should crave every single day. Being so far apart seems so intolerable, but I can do it, I can do it for you."


Sneak peek.

I was two seconds away from slapping that ridiculous frown off his face. It seemed to be there every time I was near, and if it stayed like that then I was afraid it would cause permanent lines around his beautifully carved lips.

He was centimetres away from my lips, the heat within me was suppressing itself. He was the vilest creature I had ever laid eyes on, but everything about him drew me in. "You don't listen to anything I say, and for that I find you extremely infuriating. You always reply with a snide remark, and for that I loathe you. You disobey me and my anger builds. Ms Matthews, I have never met a more enraging, vexatious and boisterous bitch like you." He spits in my ear, and I am ready to turn my head away from him. But he shoves his hand into my hair and fists it so that I look up at him. Eye to eye. I hiss in pain, but the sounds go unnoticed to him as he continues to speak. "You strut around my office as if you own the goddamn place, and that only make me want to rip your clothes off, bend you over my desk."

"Mr Styles I highly recommend that you finish the task your father set you." I croak. My throat seemed dry to the point it was difficult to speak. I wanted him. I wanted him in every way possible. But I wasn't the kind of girl to give in so easily, and to give into Harry Styles wasn't going to make itself known on my bucket list for a while.

"Tell me you don't want my hands to roam your body like this." He whispers into my ear. His body pushed me back until my back collided with the wall. His callous hands reached up to take a hold of my hips and with a squeeze of his hands I let out jagged breath. I was sure he could hear my heart beat faster every second his chest was against mine. "Tell me you don't long to feel my lips cover your flesh." He lowers his head to level itself where my jaw meets my neck. His soft lips connect with my shaking skin. Every cell in my body seems to ignite with just a touch of his lips. "Tell me you don't want to feel my tongue against your skin." With his lips on my skin his tongue pokes out to ground itself onto the surface of my neck, and it takes everything in me to suppress a groan at the contact. "Tell me, Ms Matthews, and I will leave you be."

Song of the Book: Better Love by Hozier.

Disclaimer: This book contains foul language, violence and mature content or sexual references. So, if you feel at unease by any of these, either do not read this book or please skip pages. That choice is yours, and I don't want to be held responsible to your choice.

Copyright: (C) Copy Right Reserved. The whole content of the book was my idea, word by word, so please don't take it. All ideas of my books are mine. Intolerable cannot be modified, redistributed, claimed, reproduced or displayed without the author's consent.

So please contact me on this account.


i'm back my babies. i was contemplating whether i wanted to continue writing but of course I do. especially with everyone's wonderful messages. please do not hesitate to message me with anything. you're all too cute.

everyone knows this story has been in the works for a while but i think i am finally ready to put it out there. so I present intolerable.

lots of love x


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