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"Waging wars to shape the poet and the beat..." - Use Somebody by Kings of Leon


Rude and arrogant. He really didn't give a time of day to sort his attitude out. It was pitiful really.

I was still sitting stationary, on my seat, across a distressed looking Mrs Styles. That boy seemed to cause her so much trouble.  I sat quietly, scared that if I said a word everything would become fragile and break around us. 

"Could you please get Agnes to tend to him? He gets a bit dramatic sometimes." She explains, and I nod at her while giving her a look of sorrow. To be honest, being around Harry is the last thing I wanted and I was grateful that she silently understood that. "Oh, and ask her if she need you to do anything for her. Harry just needs to be alone right now."

I don't know how I would have reacted if I was the one to look after him. He was already in a bad mood and I probably would have crapped my pants, seeing as my last vocal sentence to him tipped him off the edge. 

Ambling as silently as I could, I try to find Agnes where I last saw her. Once I walk into the kitchen I am surprised to see Harry already sitting at the kitchen table, a mug in his large hands, with Agnes' wrinkly hands rubbing his arm up and down. The comforting gesture seemed to help him relax a little, and it slightly burnt the irritation I have for him. Only a pinch. 

When my presence is made aware, Harry and Agnes both shoot their heads towards me. Harry gives a large huff and stands up again, making his way past me. Our shoulders brush gently, but his eyes hold a stern expression while looking at me. I hadn't even done anything to him and he was already so butt hurt. 

"I'm sorry." I say to Agnes, well aware that I might have just ruined a moment. Maybe even a chance of Harry's anger to die down. 

"Nonsense, you've done nothing. Is there anything I could do for you?" She questions me sweetly. I move closer to the table, standing opposite her small body. 

"Mrs Styles sent me to see if you had any chores for me?" I ask, just as innocently.

She gives me a warm smile, making my heart melt. It was a smile that was similar to my nan's. It was comforting especially since I hardly saw my nan. She lived in America.

"I would like to take you for a tour. Get to know the house a little." I nod, eagerly. This house was worth exploring, especially since the beauty it held was indescribable. "But since you're Harry's help for the time being, I will make sure to fill you in with all the things he does."

"Alright." I agree, encouraging her in front of me as I follow behind. 

She leads me to the living room, the first room I had seen when I came for my interview. It was as beautiful as before, the whole place was as clean as a sheet of paper. Though I hadn't noticed the large television hanging on the wall the first time I was here, it all looked so enticing. "This is the sitting room." Agnes' gentle voice pulls me away from my thoughts, or silent observation. "Harry hardly sits in here. But when he does it's to watch TV, or hang out with the boys. Other times he's usually busy with work." I listen carefully as she explains. "When he has guests make sure to ask if they'd like anything to eat or drink."

I pull my little diary and pen out of my blazer's pockets, noting down the new piece of information. Offer food and drinks when Harry has guests. I scribble in small letters.

Agnes smiles at my organisation. She just leads me out towards the kitchen again. "This is obviously the kitchen. There is a little closet over there, that holds the kitchen brooms and such. The pantry. The fridge, and freezer." She points towards places. "Harry likes cereal for breakfast, he has his own box. Sometimes he asks for the usual eggs and toast, or an English breakfast, but that's sometimes, and he likes to have breakfast at around eleven in the morning. He's not an early bird. For lunch he usually has a sandwich or soup, and that's at two in the afternoon. Then he has dinner with the rest of the family, which is served at six in the evening."

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