Lessons to be Learned

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Toshinori woke to an all too recognizable sharp pain in his stomach.

"Get up," Gran Torrino said.

The sharp pain, caused by Gran Torrino's foot flying into his stomach, came again and Toshinori groaned.

Nothing for it, but to get up. He won't stop until I do, he thought.

Toshinori opened his eyes and was suprised to find that his cheek was pressed against soft if rather bland carpet. He sat up to see an unfamaliar room with a desk and computer and a wall with screens and gadgets embedded in it, most of which he didn't even recognize. A short man with wild hair and glasses stood over by the gadgets, fiddling with them. Behind him, most of his classmates were sitting up and the ones that weren't were helped on their way by a few kicks from Gran Torrino.

Standing over by the wall with the gadgets was a familiar suit of black armor, silently watching them. That was when it all starting coming back to Toshinori.

His friends...fighting the hero in the black armor....something about bugs....

Before Toshinori could finish puzzling it out, Gran Torrino raised his voice.

"All right. Now that you are all here and awake, it is time for a little review."

"I don't remember exactly what happened. We were fighting and then suddenly I wasn't anymore," Kori said.

"You are jumping ahead, Tenshi. We have to talk about the robots first," Gran Torrino said.

"I have got a few questions about those myself. They were like the robots from the entrance exams, until they weren't all of a sudden," Enji said, folding his arms.

"Of course I wouldn't give you something as easy as the robots from the entrance exam to fight. You aren't middle schoolers anymore," Gran Torrino said. "The robots you fought this time were a special creation. I gave the builder information on your quirks and he built the best challenge he could."

"You have to be joking," Emi said.

"No, Fukakado, I am not. That support student you all fought in the finals, Jiko Sei. Showed me something very important: you all don't know how to fight against someone who is actually prepared for your quirk. The robots were to address that," Gran Torrino said.

"Which is why it didn't work when we tried to fight them one on one," Hakamata said.

Gran Torrino grinned and nodded.

"Got it one guess. While a villain can learn about heroes' quirks and study them, they can't account for every possible combination of quirks when heroes work together. Part of why we normally work in teams," he said.

"I get that. But what was up with the bugs? Seriously not cool, bro," Yamada demanded.

Gran Torrino shrugged. "Oh that."

"What bugs?" Enji asked.

"You didn't see what happened to the students around you did you?" Gran Torrino asked.

"Why would I care? I had my own goals to accomplish," Enji saied.

Gran Torrino sighed. "I see. Well, the part with the bugs wasn't under my control. I'll let Mechaman here tell you what happened."

Toshinori looked expectantly at the suit of armor, but it didn't so much as twitch. The man standing in front of the gadgets slumped slightly.

"Do I have to?" he asked.

"Yes," Gran Torrino said.

The man turned and Toshinori tried not to gape in surprise as he realized that this short man was Mechaman.

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