The airport

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Yoongi is finally coming home! You were exited as a little kid on 5. But you didn't care because, your big brother was coming home! You held Taehyung's hand while walking around the airport. Yoongi texted you that he was there now.

"EEEEK my brother is finally home!"you said exited.

"Yeah... But he is going to kill Me when he finds out we are dating" he said nervous.

"He is not and if he tries im killing him!"you said a bit aggressive.

"Dont kill your brother you love him too much!" He said and laughed.

"He is there!" You yelled and waved.

You ran as fast as you could. Just to hug Yoongi.

"I missed you so much!" You said in tears.

"I missed you too" he said friendly.

"Yoongi" taehyung said.

"Yes?" Yoongi answered.

"Me and Y/N are dating" taehyung said shyly.

"Congratulations!!" He said and hugged you.

"Take good care of her or else..." Yoongi said.

"I will love her to I die and maybe longer." Taehyung said.

"Good"Yoongi said.

You, yoongi and taehyung left and took on a restaurant.

Mine?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن