Jealouse Husband

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Taehyung POV

I saw my wife sleeping on my best friends thighs...
I looked at Yuna signaling that she should get Y/N to wake up.

"Don't wake her up Yuna!!" Jin said
"I have too!!" Yuna yelled which made Y/N wake up
"Why are you yelling girl?" Y/N said tired
"Well Taehyung wanted me to wake you up so.." Yuna said
"Babe let's go home now!" I said with a strict voice.
"I'm not going anywhere!" Y/N said

You looked confused on her. You soon realized what you had done.


I woke up by a yelling Yuna.

"Y/N STAYS HERE!" Yoongi said upset.
"Yeah she is!" Jungkook said.
"Agreeing with the other two" j-hope said.
"I'm staying here jerk" I said and didn't really care.
Taehyung froze by my words. I could see the sadness...
"You didn't..." Taehyung was very mad and he was about to slap me again but I kicked him away.
"DONT YOU FUCKING DARE KIM TAEHYUNG!" You yelled and got very mad.
"Sheesh chill woman.." Taehyung whispered to himself.

Sorry for not posting in a while... I didn't have time and I have been through some shit... if this gets bad just say it and I'll try make it better.
I hope y'all is healthy and save and is living their lives amazingly!~Tae-ni💕

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