The wedding

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The day you have dreamed about since you was 5 has finally come true! You're finally getting married to the love of your life.

"Ready Y/N?" Yuna asked and looked excited at you.

"I don't know.." you said and looked down on the floor.

"Oh well, you have to be Y/N" Yoongi said.

"Brother why aren't you with Taehyung?" You asked.

"Well I wanted to say hi to my sister before the wedding." Yoongi said.

"Ok it's in 2 minutes guys!" Yuna said.

"Omg.." You said and got butterflies in your belly. You started shaking and your thoughts was only bad thoughts.

"It's now Y/N!!" Yuna said excited.

You walked slowly over the pretty floor in the church. Taehyung looked at you totally in love. You looked at the floor multiple times because you got shy. You finally stood in front of him and smiled shyly.  The priest said was he should say.

"Kim Taehyung, will you Take Kim Y/N as your wife against fire and water to death discard you?" The priest said.

"I do" Taehyung said.

"Kim Y/N, will you take Kim Taehyung as your husband against fire and water to death discard you?" The priest said.

"I-I do" you stuttered.

"You may now kiss the bride" The priest said and everyone began clapping and crying even Yoongi cried.

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