The resturant

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"TAEHYUNG!" You yelled. Someone tried to kidnap you.

"Y/N!!!" Yoongi and Taehyung yelled. They ran after you as fast as they couldn't just to save you.

"Y/N!!!" Taehyung yelled threw the restaurant. People stared as fuck on him. He was in tears. Yoongi started running faster. The man who had you waved a care over. Taehyung started crying. He knew it was to late. He saw yoongi beat the man up and waved taehyung over. Taehyung held your hands and kissed you.

"Y/N I'm sorry for not being there for you" taehyung said and cried. You hugged him.

"Hey, it's ok, it's not your fault. I just need to be more careful" you said and smiled familiar.

"Isn't my job to protect you?" Taehyung said with eyes filed with tears.

"It is but... Sometimes you don't have to" you said and took taehyung's tears away.

"Sis he didn't know, I didn't know" youngi said with a cracky voice.

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