I See Fire

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Eliey’s p.o.v

Lying there in bed with James felt really good.

He wasn’t like the other men and didn’t really take advantage of me. He was always perfect but I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t really open up to him. Why I couldn’t reveal my past to him.

“Do you want something to eat?” he asked me sweetly as he held me closer to him.

“No not really” I smiled sweetly.

“Alright then I guess I’ll go get some coke for the both of us” He winked and stood up, moving towards his door and left it slightly open.

I watched him leave and once he was gone I stared at the white empty ceiling. There was no fan, only a central A/c and heating system.

I rolled over the soft white cushions and smiled to the feeling of the soft feather bed under me.

Everything felt perfect but suddenly I started to observe something weird. The white ceilings were darkening due to a raw shadow falling over it. I frowned my eyebrows and tried to look for its source but it wasn’t anywhere in sight.

What was happening? I turned back up to see the ceiling and suddenly it was on fire. It was burning all around.

Not able to speak in shock I stared with wide eyes pushing myself up on the bed and watching the room transform in front of my eyes, suddenly there were wooden pillars on fire falling down in front of the bed. I could see the windows of the fine room begin to block and a huge front table appeared in front of it.

“W- What is happening?” I managed to squeak out but nothing helped.

I saw the floor turn into a bright red carpet that had burnt stains on it and suddenly I heard a familiar voice shout out.

“Eliey, Ann, oh god someone save me” He breathe.

“Uncle Raiddy?” I asked trying to squint my eyes to have a better look.

A not very hefty man appeared, his hands were on his mouth and he was breathing heavily and coughing a lot. He shifted his one hand over the front table and the other trying to catch hold of something. He did touch one of the pillars that was on fire and slipped down to the floor and crushed his eyes in agony.

“Uncle Raiddy, OH FUCK! UNCLE RAIDDY!” I screamed out and pulled myself out of the bed and ran to the burning floor. Suddenly my forehead was sweating profusely and it was getting intensely hot in the room. I could feel the fire burning into my skin and the black fog smothering my lungs.

I got my knees to the floor and tried crawling to my uncle who was struggling to find a way to survive…

My fingers burnt.

“Hold on I’m coming!!” I shouted as I reached for his hand in despair and tried holding on to it but it slipped away.

I saw my uncle look me in my eyes and shout, ‘save me’ n sweet words and let his tears fall down his eyes.

“I am! I AM!! I’m NOT GIVING UP ON YOU!” I screamed loudly and tried once again but my hands couldn’t reach him further more.

“Tell your aunt I love her and I love you too and I love Keith” He smiled and then the beam of the roof fall cracked right out of its place on the roof and dropped down over him, crushing him before my eyes.

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