The External Link

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Scott’s p.o.v

“Scott, common talk to me” Jessica begged one more time but I wasn’t up to it.

“Scott please, we need to get to your place before Eliey finds you gone for too long and takes it as some other sign” Jess begged.

“I don’t care” I told her and continued to drink by myself in a farm house that I owned, which wasn’t very far away from my personal house.

“Please Scott” she asked me nicely once again but I dismissed her.

I didn’t want to deal with my feelings. This isn’t like books where you fall in love with a girl and even if she makes out with a million of men she is yours and she will come back to you shit. This was reality and I had to face the consequences of the stupid mistake my stupid heart had done.

Max was out in the dark, as angry at me as Jess was and now Jess sat silently in the hay not speaking anything which was quiet a relief; she had been blabbering about how Eliey didn’t mean anything when she kissed him and how she loved me blah blah. After taking a long sip of my beer I finally spoke just to make sure Jess hadn’t died or something without speaking for an entire minute of silence.

“Why do you support her so much?” I asked once again demanding some response as I took another long sip of my beer and gulped it down quickly and forcefully.

It was my fifth bottle and I was still not getting tipsy or high. That irritated me to no extent because Eliey was still on my mind and it hurt like hell to be betrayed by another girl for another man who had no standards such as mine.

“Jess” I roared in anger taking a long pause waiting for her response but she still didn’t speak so I turned around to check what was wrong with her when I saw Jess lying flat, dead kind of way on the hay with her eyes shut.

“Jess get up” I told her, rolling my eyes if this was an act and lazily very drunkly walked towards her, letting the numbness take over.

She still laid still.

“Common Jess, get up, I don’t have time for all this drama, stop kidding around and give me a break”

I stared to approach her slowly and observed her eyes were plainly shut and it didn’t even look like she was breathing, that’s when panic stuck me and I dropped my beer bottle and ran to her, worried to the core what the hell just happened.

“Jess” I cried out, next to her kneeling down on my feet and shaking her body roughly.

She seemed like she was dead or something because no matter how much I shook her or called her she didn’t respond.

“JESS WAKE UP! COMMON! I’M SORRY I WONT IGNORE YOU. JUST WAKE UP!”  I moved her like a ragged doll but she wasn’t responding, that’s when my entire body froze.

She looked like she was dreaming, I had seen this once happen to her when I was just a new born baby and it was really bad. It was a vague memory which Jess had cleared out to me, because her mother had warned her about the things Tony could do to this family. My father tried summoning her once and my mother was paranoid to see the effects on her daughter. He tried calling her from his mind to hers for hours just before he died, trying to leave bits and pieces of himself in Jess but his heart stop so quickly the process wasn’t complete.

“JESS!” I shouted now beginning to pick her up in my arms ready to bolt for the hospital when her eyes fluttered open and she looked exhausted at me.

I immediately laid her back in the hay and tried giving her some space to breathe.

“Are you okay Jess?” I asked her, looking at her worried, feeling sweat drop from my brow.

“Scott, he took her” she spoke weakly but quickly.

“Who?” I asked confused.

“Zack - Zack took Eliey and her friends out of California”

“WHAT! Zack?”

“He took them against their will. He’s booked a hotel and took them all against their will” She repeated with shock and tears in her eyes.

 “Maybe they wanted to go with him, I mean Eliey’s so into him” I said calming down and holding Jess’s arm.

“No. I told you Eliey loves you. Eliey sent her best friend to tell Zack she loves you instead of going for the date herself. After the date her friend seemed like she was being given orders by someone and she drugged Eleiy and another boy and took them to a hotel out of town” she said coughing now trying to regain her lost senses.

“Are you sure Jess? How do you know all this?” I asked all confused.

“I don’t know. I was just sitting when suddenly I was ambushed by images of Eliey and the happenings. It’s like someone showed it all to me, got in my head” she looked at me sacred.

“What else did you see?” I asked her, needing more information to go save Eliey.

“Hotel Red, I read the board sign through the shower’s eyes” she said getting up as she regained her strength.

“I know that place. It’s just right on the out skirts of town. We need to get their as soon as possible. I think something really bad is going to happen, if we don’t get their soon, I might just loose Eliey” I said, tensing up and pulling Jess out of the hay.

We ran to my car which was just outside the barn along with Max who finally showed up and I roared the engine to life and started driving with full speed.

“Do you now believe me?” Jess spoke holding on to her seat and stared deeply into my eyes as I took steep turns and Max barked with excitement.

“I believe you” I said, suddenly taking a bad turn that almost threw us off the road.

“Scott Slow down don’t try killing us!” Jess shouted but I ignored her. Dawn was just breaking out and I needed to hurry before I would lose her completely.

“How long is it going to take, getting there?” Jess asked with her eyes filled with pain.

“Almost three hours, why?” I asked trying to concentrate on the road as well as look at her vivid expressions.

“He is as powerful as her” she said.

“How can you say that?” I asked confused.

“He has the same powers as her, the images showed him influencing her mind, I could feel the power being used on Eliey” she said.

“Do you think he has summoned us?” I asked Jess, suspicious this might be a trap.

“Even if Zack has, we have no option but to go save Eleiy before he takes control of her mind” Jess spoke, holding Max on her lap, since the speed of the car was banging him to the door too quickly.

“I don’t think he can summon us. I think this is an external link trying to help us” I tried making sense of it all.

“Why do you think that?” Jess asked.

 “I think that because why would a guy wanting to have Eliey permanently in his life try to call us to get us come save her when he can disappear and be off the grid with her for all her cares?” I tired reasoning but it was useless.

All answers lead to only one thing. We were lost but we had to give it our best to make sure Eliey would not be harmed with the information provided to us.


its short i know. doesnt make sense i know. There are many hidden things that arent obviously put in a very obvious manner so be patient. All though i would like tips from you'll .What do you say is Zack summoning them or is it an external link?

common tell me i'd like to know your thoughts :D

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