Reading your mind

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Elieys p.o.v

“My Eliey?” I raised an eyebrow to his words.

“Yea sorry it slipped out, I feel like I need to take care of you sometimes” he replied.

“Why!” I shouted surprised.

“Well your like this child who needs constant attention or else you seem to be like one of those kids who might just end up killing herself if that attention is not given” he grinned.

“WHAT! I am not a child!” I cleared myself.

“I know I’m just messing with you” he laughed.

“You can go back to your beautiful girl friend now. I’m done needing you” I rolled my eyes and walked away from him.

I picked up my purse and tired finding my way back to my house.

“You’re walking the wrong way” he shouted out.

“But of course I am!” I slapped my hands to my thighs sarcastically and turned around walking the other way.

“UHM” he cleared his throat.

“Yes you majesty?” I turned around and bowed down to him.

Trying to control his laughter he put his hands near his mouth and pointed out to the west, “That way” he finished.

“OH. Okay” I felt irritated and walked that way.

“It’s rude not to let a person who just saved your life not walk with you back home” Scott spoke joining next to me as I tried finding my way back out.

“I didn’t need your help” I sighed hoping he would disappear.

“Yea sure” he grinned and took the lead suddenly.

He moved all the pointy branches aside and cleared the way for me. It was amusing to watch him do that in the beginning but then I started to realise I didn’t want to be spoon fed like a child when I could clearly clear the branches by myself and get myself home.

I quickly walked up near him and a little bit forward and started moving the branches out of my way and his for him leading the way.

“What are you doing?” he said stopping suddenly.

“Clearing, the, way, for, the, both, of us” I replied trying my best but I wasn’t good at the whole moving the branch thing.

“That’s not the right the way you’re doing it” he said not moving from his place as I struggled with the stupid wood.

“Then show me how should I do it” I stopped turning around to face him close to me.

“You”, he turned me around and put his arms over mine, “Use your power along with your physical strength to move them”

Suddenly I could feel a transfer of pure energy from his body to mine, vibrating to my palms and then helping me easily shift the branches aside.

“See?” he asked smiling into my hair and making me feel all tingly from inside.

“I see” I replied gently, letting him touch me and help me learn to feel this powerful.

“Now you try it alone” He said suddenly letting go of my hands and making me feel lonely again.

“Ok-ay” It took me a little time to process the emptiness I felt but then I knew I could do it without him.

I closed my eyes and imagined the power seep through me and swayed my hands ahead of me and tired pushing the branches and to my surprise I could hardly feel anything in front of me. I was getting good at this.

“ELIEY!” Scott shouted and I opened my eyes.

“OH MY GOD!” I shouted in shock, I has just realised that I had flatten an kilometre of branches ahead of me as if a bull dozer had ran over it.

“You used excess of your powers, you were supposed to be gentle and slow and not harsh!” he said staring at me in shock.

“Sorry?” I bit my lip and just dropped my head down.

“Hey hey it’s okay Eliey, you’re still learning I know, now let’s walk up this clear kilometre ahead of us and practice it again” he laughed pulling my hand into his and leading me ahead.

“I guess I do need you” I sighed walking besides him and feeling very happy inside.

We walked for a few hours and I practiced all the way finally reaching his house on the other side of the forest.

“I think you need some rest before you get home” Scott said taking me inside his home and leaving me to my own self once inside.

I walked into the kitchen to get some cold water to drink and I watched Scott go up to his room as he removed his shirt and cleaned his hot bronze muscles that were bulging out as he climbed the staircase.

I tapped my hands over the table. Drank my cold water, waited patiently for Scott to return but he didn’t.  I played with Max for a while and suddenly felt very impatient. So crept up the stairs trying to find out what Scott was up too.

I was close enough to his door when I heard whispering.

“I know I know we have to stop but I can’t, if I do and she knows you know what will happen” Scott spoke.

“How long are you going to keep this a secret?” A girl, his girlfriend! whispered.

“As long as I know how too, now please go away, she will hear us” he begged.

“Let her! She needs to know the truth. We can’t hide any longer Scott, you can’t hide any longer” she quickly answered back.

“Jessica, please today is not the day, we will discuss this later, till then my secret is yours and you better keep shut” he told her and then I heard a blow in the wind and it became silent again…

“Hearing someone’s conversation is also considered very rude Eliey” suddenly the door opened to me being inches away from Scott’s crotch.

I quickly straightened myself and looked into his eyes, they were hard and black.

“What secret were you ‘ll talking about? Is the girl me? Is she me?” I asked curiously as Scott ignored me and shut the door behind walking ahead of me and getting down the stairs.

“No she is someone else and not you” he replied after I followed him out of the house and unto his porch.

“Who are you’ll talking about tell me!!” I shouted irritated.

“Eliey shut up. Stop asking questions I don’t want to answer and keep quiet!” he shouted sitting down on his chair and resting over it.

“Alright, but I am going to find out soon” I replied.

I hope not. I heard a whisper from him.

“What did you say?” I asked.

“Nothing I did not say a word Eliey” he replied shook a little.

“No I heard something”

What did you hear?

“That! Whoah I heard you speak without actually opening your mouth!” I told him grinning happily.

“GREAT! YOUR POWER TO READ MINDS HAS BEGUN! Now stay out of my mind!” he shouted and quieted himself down.

“I hope you are good at keeping me away from reading your mind, since I can read yours now it’s also fun knowing you can’t read me” I laughed away as Scott seemed to get more pissed about it.


next chap soon

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