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alright i really like this chap hope you guys will like it too!



fan :D


Eliey p.o.v

This is fun. I sighed as we walked into the old theatre. The view outside was amazing, I mean the pier was one thing I always enjoyed being at and a theatre next to it was amazing! The night was getting cold and I was glad I had carried my sweater along.

I was standing in the long line that started from the popcorn counter waiting to grab some snacks for my Uncle and Aunt. I pulled my coat closer to myself as I felt colder than before and then I pulled my neck high to see what was taking so long. I was guessing uncle and aunt had sat down in their seats. We were watching the re-release of Titanic, something my aunt and uncle found very romantic to watch over and over again. Sure I was excited for the whole theatre thing but I really wasn’t looking forwards to watch Leo die and that red head girl forgot her name grow old and throw a junk of jewellery in the water. Watching it once was more than enough so I didn’t care if I missed parts of the movie to grab popcorn for them, take a walk on the pier and look at the yachts and boats swim on the surface of the twinkly lit waters.

Finally after ten minutes I reached the counter and asked for a coke and a large bucket of caramel popcorn for my old folks in there.

He quickly nodded and served me the two things. I shoved my hands in my pocket and searched for the 20$ I had stuffed in but couldn’t find them.

“Hurry up! We’ll miss the movie” A guy shouted from the back of the line.

I couldn’t find the note.

“Common missy!” Another person shouted.

Now I was getting tensed. I really didn’t like being the centre of attention during trouble. My hands started to shiver as I dug through my jeans and tried harder.

“COMMON!” A lady shouted and I found a crumpled paper stuck inside my pocket. I quickly pulled it  out and practically threw the note on the counter and turned around with the huge bucket and banged into the guy behind me dropping half its contents on the floor.

“Ah” the line sighed irritated and I felt like crying that second. I looked up to apologise to the person I dropped the crispy popcorn all over and sighed.

“Come here” Zack the cute brown eyes bartender said pulling me out of the line and letting the irritated crowd continue.

“Oh god thank god it’s you and thank you and sorry” I sighed almost collapsing to the floor.

He quickly held my hand grabbed the remaining stuff from my hand and made me sit down on a side bench in the corner of the theatre.

“Which seat no and row?” he asked and I handed him the ticket.

“Sit here I’ll be right back” he said and left me to calm down.

After an entire 10 minutes he returned and sat next to me. I still hadn’t stopped shivering.

He suddenly grabbed my hands in his and whispered, “I’m with you calm down, I told your aunt and uncle that the popcorns from you and you’ll join them in a while”

His words comforted me and I shut my eyes and tried to take deep breathes and Scott came in my mind, his soft smile and his loving eyes soothed me. I immediately calmed down and opened my eyes regaining my senses.

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