Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Impact

I wake up to the sound of rain tapping against the windows. I barely open my eyes to glance around the room. It's morning, and I'm next to the most beautiful girl in the world.

Grace is amazing. She is breathtaking and perfect. She's everything I've ever needed. She completes my life, and I don't know how I got so lucky.

I move a strand of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. The subtle gesture stirs her awake. Her eyes open to reveal her brilliant blue irises. They remind me of the ocean, and I could drown in them.

"Good morning," she says barely above a whisper.

"Good morning," I reply, smiling back at her.

She has the duvet pulled up to her nose. She closes her eyes and shifts closer to me.

"You know we have to go to see the others today," I remind her. She grunts.

"Five more minutes."

I wrap my arms around her and pull her impossibly close. She's warm under my touch. She puts her arm over me, and her nails slowly run across my shoulder giving me chills. I didn't want to leave either.

Finally she decides to roll out of bed. She slept in one of my t-shirts, and though it's too big for her she still looks good in it.

She stretches and walks to the kitchen. And of course I know what she's making- tea and toast. She's done the same thing for months.

With the sound of rain and Grace humming from the kitchen, I wouldn't mind skipping out on visiting our friends if it meant being here.

I finally decide to get out of bed and get ready to leave. So I shower and eat breakfast and get dressed. She's moving around the kitchen playing slower songs. She bumps into me, and I throw my arms around her.

"Well hello," she says with a laugh. I can't help but smile.

I lean down and kiss her forehead, and she rests her head on my shoulder, placing her arms around my neck, playing with my hair. I follow her sway to the music while she laughs quietly.

"We should probably leave soon," she says.

"Now I don't want to."

"Neither do I, but we have to."

It's silent for a moment as the rain mixes with the song and creates a different atmosphere I wouldn't mind being stuck in.

"You know," Grace says, "we suck at dancing."

"I think I've stepped on your feet more."

"No doubt."

She pulls back and wanders off to get ready. I finish getting ready and grab the car keys off the counter and turn off the music. She comes out ready to go and laces her fingers in mine. We walk out the front door and run outside to get to the car.

By the time we're inside the safety of the world's worst car, we're drenched from head to toe but still laughing. I turn the heat on along with the radio.

"I love when it rains," Grace says. "Kaitlyn says it's her favorite sound in the world."

"If we can get going we'll go see her."

"What are we even doing?"

"I don't know. Knowing them they'd want to go crazy or something."


I pull out into the road and start driving in the torrential rain. It's coming down hard and it's difficult to even see.

Grace reaches over and turns the radio up before grabbing my hand and intertwining her fingers with mine.

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