Chapter 21

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Chapter 21: Safe and Sound

- Grace's POV -

It's been my fourth sleepless night this week. I can't get comfortable, and when I do, I can't settle down. I'm overwhelmed, and everything bothers me.

My nightmares keep me up half the night anyway. I can tell Ashton is frustrated with my restlessness, but there's nothing I can do about it.

I don't wake him for his sake. I know he has to work as well, and it'd be unfair to keep him up with me. But I just get bored.

And even though it's below freezing outside, the temperatures are just all wrong. It's so hot cuddled up next to Ash or even under these blankets anyway.

And there's so much noise. The cars outside won't stop, and the clock on the wall ticks every second I wish I was sleeping away. Ashton is steadily breathing beside me, occasionally sighing in his sleep. I toss and turn, but nothing helps.

"Ashton," I say quietly, shaking his arm. "Ashton." He doesn't answer. I let out a huff of air. "It's too noisy for me to sleep."

A few seconds of silence pass by.

"And it's really hot," I add. "I'm going to suffocate."

"Go back to sleep, Grace," he mumbles.

"I can't. It's too hot."

Ashton suddenly sits up and hovers over me. He leans down and puts his lips very close to my ear.

"I'll give you a reason to feel hot," he says, his breath fanning across my neck. I immediately get chills all over my body.

He kisses my neck gently, moving up to my jaw then my lips. It's a passionate gesture, but the moment quickly ends as he decides to go back to sleep and leave me with these feelings.

"Thanks for waking me up even more," I mumble.

"Why haven't you been sleeping?" he asks, moving so he's facing me.

"Bad dreams and stress."

He pulls me into him and plays with my hair, humming softly to one of our favorite songs. Somehow this coaxes me into sleep, and eventually I'm out like a light.

I wake up feeling terrible, but I get ready for work anyway. Ashton takes me and leaves himself. I walk inside, nervous as to what the day will bring. I'm tired as it is. I don't want to deal with people.

Sometime during my lunch break Claire stops by. I'm really glad to see her since other people are just driving me insane.

"Hey, Grace!" she says happily as she walks in the room.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just swinging by. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go out with me and the girls tonight."

"Sure, but I need to tell Ashton where I'm going."

"I've already talked to him. He said to have a good time."

"Oh okay. Thanks!"

"Hey, has Sam been by here lately?" she asks in a quieter voice. "I don't want him near you. Especially considering everything you've been through."

"Not lately."

"That's good. If he ever bothers you, just let us know. We'd totally be here for you."

"I know, Claire. Thanks," I reply with a laugh.

"Well, I'll come by and get you after work, and we'll hang out at Makenna's house before leaving. Sound good?"

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