Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Tension

"Let's go, Ash," Luke says as he nudges me awake.

"What time is it?" I mumble.


"Why the hell are you waking me up at seven?"

"Because you need to eat and clean up. Let's go."

I slowly get out of the chair and stretch. My back and joints pop, and I realize how uncomfortable those chairs really are.

I follow Luke outside and to his car. The sun shines brightly against my face. At least it's not raining.

We drive to Luke's house playing his multiple CDs along the way. We don't talk about anything, but we just listen to whatever comes on.

I get inside the house and decide to take a shower while Luke hangs out and plays video games. I change into some of Luke's clothes and study my appearance. I do look really exhausted, and I am. I just can't leave Grace for too long.

"I was wondering what you wanted to eat?" Luke asks.

"I don't even care," I reply.

"Okay, Mr. Grumpy-Pants. I guess that leaves me to figure it out, huh?"

"Sorry. I'm just really uptight."

"I know. I'm kidding around." He turns off the game. "It sounds really quiet."

"It does," I reply in almost a whisper. Before I can think about Grace not being with me I walk back to the car and wait for Luke to make his way back. We drive back to the hospital where everyone is waiting on us.

"Where'd you guys go?" Makenna asks.

"Home for a few minutes. Why? Did something happen?" I ask quickly.

"No. We just didn't know where you were."

"Well," Luke says, clapping his hands together. "I had an idea we all go eat breakfast at the cafeteria because we're already here."

"Master plan," Claire says sarcastically.

"It's too early to even come up with a proper comeback," Kaitlyn mumbles. She leans against Calum's arm half asleep before waking up suddenly.

"Guys you can go home if you want to," I tell them. "You've been here all night."

"Are you kidding? We're not going home until we pass out from exhaustion," Claire says.

"Speak for yourself. I'm taking up on that offer," Michael mumbles. "But I really do want to eat first." I smile.

"We won't leave until we have to," Kaitlyn assures me.

"I'm with Michael on this one. I'm starving," Makenna complains.

"Okay, okay we're going," Luke says with a laugh.

We walk down the almost empty hallways. The white walls almost scare me. There's no color, and it kinda bothers me. I'm so used to seeing color no matter where I am. I think Grace's studio is part of the reason.

Grace has a mini art studio in our basement, and she shares it with me. Half of it is full of paintings and paint and water cups and canvases. Everything she needs. Then the other half has my drum kit where I usually practice, and the boys come over and play with me.

Sometimes we'll both be down there at the same time and we'll play for her while she does whatever. At some point she'll stop and just watch us play. We'll mess around and pretend as if we're actually performing and she'll request songs.

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