Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Her Family

- Ashton's POV -

Days and weeks pass by quickly, each day filled with nothing important. It's usually quite boring in the autumn for us. Not much happens until today.

It's the day before Thanksgiving, and Grace's parents invited us for a big dinner they were having with most of Grace's family. Of course we accept, and I'm currently waiting for Grace to finish getting ready.

I button and unbutton my flannel sleeve, nervously tapping my foot as well. I'm anxious to go simply because we haven't seen her family in a long time. Plus she's already made it clear to be aware of her dad. I already knew that much.

She emerges from our room with a sweater, skinny jeans, and boots, rushing behind me since we're already late, and we have a bit of a drive ahead of us.

She closes the door behind her, and we jump in the car. I pull out as quickly as possible, and we get on the highway. After a moment of complete silence, she finally says something.

"Sorry for running late. I lost my other boot," she says.

"That's okay. They'll wait for us anyway."

"You know, it's crazy to think you still drive me around even after what happened."

"Trust me. I'm terrified to do it."

"You shouldn't be."

"Yes I should," I argue. "And you should worry a bit more about it as well."

"But I'm not. I trust you."

She grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, squeezing tightly and giving me a reassuring smile. I smile in return.

We're on the road for a while, listening to the radio and talking. She stares out the window a lot, looking amazed by her surroundings. She smiles frequently, and I wonder what she's thinking about.

Grace always has this strange amusement with things. She thinks everything of something no one else notices. Like the change in the colors of leaves or the sparkle in someone's eyes. She sees the good in the bad and a story from a few spoken or even unspoken words.

"Ashton, I have to pee," she says randomly.

"Can't you hold it? We're almost there."

"No. If we hit another bump I'll probably pee on myself." She looks utterly distressed.

"Okay, okay."

I pull over at a rest stop. She runs in before I even have a chance to park the car. I wait a couple minutes, and she comes back with something in her hand. She tosses it to me as she gets in the car. Candy. I should've guessed.

"Better?" I ask. She sighs in relief.

"Yes thank god. I was gonna die. And I bought candy."

"I noticed," I say with a laugh.

We drive a few more minutes, and we arrive at the place we were told to be. Several cars are parked outside, and I can hear kids from where we stand.

"Ready?" she asks, carrying a dessert she had made earlier.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

I follow her to the door, and we walk inside. A kid starts shouting "Grace is here!" and everyone exclaims happily at our arrival. Someone takes away what Grace is holding, and we're both engulfed in hugs.

"Ashton!" Mrs. Holland says. "It's so good to see you! You both look well." She hugs me then Grace.

"How are you?" I ask.

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