The Route of Twilight

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A/N: And so you guys know that is a pic of Allura's outfit to the right. And if any of you are wondering, Ayame does till have the same look and clothes from the first book. The whole edgy  look with long black trench coat and layered poofy skirt and all with her extremely lond red and black striped hair with a long black ribbon to tie it up in a pony tail..yeah you get the picture lol  I may change it but If i do I havent decided to what but I may not cuz she just looks so Epic or at least i like so since I kinda based her off myself, but lol ok I'll stop now! Enjoy!


Revisiting Twilight Town brought memories of my missions with Axel, Saix, and Larxene, the members I felt I got the closest to. I figured I’d come here first since this was one of the places Yen Sid mentioned and it was the next closest world. So maybe I’ll have some luck and find something. I walked around the town that hadn’t changed much at all. Everything was exactly the same. In the street common there were plenty of people out and about. I had wondered would my mom be here or my friends. But with my luck that wouldn’t happen, that’d be too easy. 

But something about today seemed special, kids were playing and laughing. Was it some sort of festival? I walked on and ran across a flyer that said: The Struggle Tournament. It was being held in the sandlot. I hummed as I thought to myself.

“I suppose I could stay around for this…maybe I’ll find something.” I then heard loud laughter from my left but didn’t pay much attention to it until I heard a familiar name 

“Hahahahaha! Roxas! You’re such a chump!” Roxas?! I turned my head to my left and saw a group of kids. From the back the kid sure looked like Roxas from behind, wearing odd clothes 

“Am not!” The kid who may have been Roxas, said. It sure sounded like him too. But he wasn’t wearing the attire I expected. He was wearing a white jacket that had a red collar and was trimmed in black that cut off at the waist, with a black shirt, gray jeans, and a pair of black and red shoes.  I decided to run over to see 

“Roxas!” I grabbed his shoulder from behind and turned him around. He had a confused expression on his face. 

“Uh?...I’m sorry….Do I know you?” 

Was he kidding? “Don’t be stupid. You remember me, we lived together for awhile, in the castle.” 

“A castle? What’s she talking about, Roxas?” the boy with spiky blonde hair said the same one who spoke before. 

“I have no idea. Look….uh…Miss? I think you have the wrong Roxas…I’ve never lived in a castle. I’ve always lived here in Twilight Town.” That couldn’t be right. How many other people would have a name like Roxas? 

“That’s impossible…” I said more to myself than him. Something tells me the organization is behind this. What would make them give up Roxas? 

“Sorry, Miss…” Roxas said. 

“Hang on!” A girl in the group said. She had medium length brown hair, an orange tank with white flowers, yellow Capri pants, and orange socks with yellow shoes. “You’re not from around here are you?” 

“No I’m not….I’m from somewhere…” I couldn’t tell them I was from another world. That was a rule that no one could break. “Very far away.” 

“So you’re kind of a tourist then.” 

I nodded. 

“Well, you only seem a little older than us, why don’t we show you around? We could also show you the struggle tournament, if you like?” 

Kingdom Hearts: Paralleled Hearts ~Book 2~(haitus)Where stories live. Discover now