Savages Vs. Savages ~Part 5~ -Finale-

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Picture oAyame's dress over to the right


When we reached the table most of the guests were already seated. John Rolfe pulled out a chair next to him for her to sit in. And she was about to gladly accept until a servant guided her elsewhere. 

“Oh no, madam,” he said. “The guest of honor is always on the king’s right hand.” 

John Rolfe then smiled at her saying that is was ok and then offered the seat to me and bowed. I smiled and curtsied and took my place in the seat and he then took his place next to me. I knew he wanted her to sit here and so did she, but she Is the guest and it could also give her a chance to speak with the king, which I knew she wouldn’t pass up. Until the entertainment started John Rolfe decided to start up a conversation. 

“So, Ayame? How do you think Pocahontas is doing so far?”

“I think she’s doing well. But I think she should keep on her toes.”

“I agree.”

“So what kind of entertainment happens at these things?”

“Oh, simple things, like magic shows, unique dancing. Things like that.”

“Will it be something like that tonight?”

“Most likely.”

And as I predicted, Pocahontas began to address the king again. “Your Grace, perhaps now we might discuss- -“ But she was cut off by the sound of fanfare music, beginning the entertainment. Ratcliffe was to his feet in view of everyone, something told me to be ready.

“Your Royal Highness, Lords and Ladies of the Court…and our distinguished guest from the forests of the New World, things are not as they appear.”

Suddenly there was a puff of smoke, Ratcliffe was gone, sitting back in his seat, and two men popped up when the smoke vanished. One was short and stout and the other was a bit taller and leaner, and they were both wearing these brown hooded cloaks. By there entrance I assumed this would be a magic show type deal. They started with making roses appear out of glasses and, rabbits out of hats. And all sorts of sparks and light’s appear from their hands and from their ceiling. It seemed pretty nice so far. And it wasn’t over yet, so I was looking forward to it. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, especially Pocahontas since she’d never seen anything like it before, it was all new to her.

Then there was smoke again, more than before, much more. Then as the smoke started to clear, we could all see a bear in chains as it growled. My mouth dropped and I looked over at Pocahontas as she was in shock and horrified. This was bad, she would be offended by this and they would be offended by the fact that she was offended. All the guests and the king started to laugh at the bear’s demise as the illusionists pulled on its chains, making it more aggravated.

“Sire, please stop this! She doesn’t understand!” John Rolfe said as he rushed to the king.

“Oh, nonsense! Everyone loves a good bear-baiting.” The crowd and the king continued to laugh and the bear continued to roar.

“No!” Pocahontas was up on her feet in front of the people. “Stop this as she snatched one of the chains from the short illusionist and he cowered at her anger. “This is torture!”

The king chuckled, “This is an animal, nothing more.”

“A helpless animal.”

The king stood to his feet. “Sit down at once and we will overlook this savage behavior.” I could see she was now soiling her chances at peace with England.

Kingdom Hearts: Paralleled Hearts ~Book 2~(haitus)Where stories live. Discover now