Chapter 1 - New Beginning

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It had been 8 months since I last stepped foot in Starling City and as I stood on a rooftop overlooking the city, I could feel how much it had changed. Once upon a time, the citizens of Starling could feel safe as they went about lives. Some of my fondest memories of this period were the times when I took my little sister around the city to places she wanted to go to. I would do anything for her because I loved her so much but now, no-one could be safe in this city.

I saw as A woman walked up next to me, her hood down allowing her black hair to flow down well below her shoulders. She had an eastern complexion and was wearing a red and black assassins outfit. She had her quiver strapped to her back which was full of arrows with her bow slung across her back. Her sword was sheathed by her hip and she had multiple knives and daggers hidden from view. The daughter of the Demon took the my hand in her own and spoke quietly "Beloved, the construction of our base of operations here is completed. Let's go."

However I didn't respond and just continued to look at my city. "Oliver" Nyssa said looking at me and this time I turned my head, staring directly at her eyes. While in reality it was only a few seconds, to Nyssa it had to feel like an eternity until finally I smiled at her, squeezing her hand slightly. I have been in the League of Assassin's for six years now and only Nyssa called me Oliver which is what brought the smile to my face. "Let's get started" I said before dropping my head to place a sweet kiss on Nyssa's lips which she happily reciprocated.

I had been thinking about my family and friends that I hadn't seen in so long and a part of me felt like once this was all over maybe it could go back to how it once was. However, it was at that moment that Nyssa had taken my hand in hers and realised that that part of my life was over. Now I am someone else, I have to be something else.

I and Nyssa arrived at one of many League's hideouts across Starling city. This one however had been transformed to serve as I and Nyssa's main base of operations. It was had one large room that contained some equipment for all the league of assassin members. In the center were multiple computers and monitors and off to one side were two glass cases that contained I and Nyssa's suits. My suit, like Nyssa's, was different to the standard league suits. While my suit was all black and lined with Kevlar just like the standard league suits, My suit was less baggy and had a hood. It had been a gift from Nyssa's sister Talia when she had come to Nanda Parbat 2 years ago. There were multiple rooms that connected with the main room. The majority were used for training purposes because many were open rooms to spar in. Some had training dummies that could be used with Swords and others were used for Archery practice. There was one door that was only to be used by I and Nyssa themselves because it led to an elevator that led to an open space that contained a couple of rooms underground. This was where I and Nyssa were staying for the time being because at the moment I couldn't be seen out in public as everyone believes me to be dead.

Inside the base there were multiple assassins, some training some waiting for the heir and daughter of the demon to arrive so they could go back to the task that had been assigned to them but all of them stopped and bowed the second we both walked in before returning to what they were previously engaged in or leaving the base. I saw as Nyssa walked up to a young woman who was situated by the computers, while I sat down and began my research.

"Aaliyah, what have you found?" Nyssa asked. Some of the leagues members had been in Starling for almost a week now while Nyssa and I arrived earlier in the day.

"I have located Triad at the Starling Docks. What is our next move?" Aaliyah responded before asking the last part cautiously, knowing even though she had a close relationship with Nyssa & I, she was rightfully wary of angering the daughter of the demon. I contemplated my thoughts for a moment. I knew that in order to make the next move, they needed as much information as possible. My father in law Ra's Al Ghul had drilled that into my head since I joined The League. "Be aware of your surroundings" was his lesson to me and that applied here because I didn't want to make a move without all the information. I saw as Aaliyah was looking down at the ground but her body-language was awkward and different. I sensed this and put my hands on her shoulders which made her look up into my eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked kindly. "It's well I looked into your sister as you asked to make sure she is ok and she is but..i'm." I understood straight away and immediately gave her a hug before Nyssa, who had overheard the conversation, did the same. I and Nyssa held hands as I said "You will always be our little sister. Yes I may see my sister again but that doesn't change the fact that you are our sister too."

"Always" Nyssa said matter-of-factly.

Aaliyah gave both the us a hug before heading off to get some rest. It would seem that I and Nyssa will be in for an interesting day tomorrow as they begin their mission to save Starling City.

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