Chapter 6 - Corto Maltese

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I opened my eyes and saw Nyssa sleeping peacefully on my chest. I slowly extracted my body from hers, trying not to wake her up in the process. Once I was out of the bed, I brushed my teeth and headed down to the kitchens to get some food for Myself and Nyssa.

I grabbed two plates of food and headed back to their room. On my way I crossed paths with the Demons Head. "Are you ready for your battle?" Ra's asked his son.

"Of course. He will be dealt with swiftly." I responded.

"Do not underestimate your opponent, Al Sa-Him. His suit gives him powers that will not be easy to beat. Both You and Nyssa will need to be near your best to win." Ra's warned. "Bring me back his head. I need to see the face of the man who has killed a number of innocent people."

I nodded and walked past Ra's al Ghul. I walked into our room to find Nyssa awake and fully dressed, ready to leave. I handed her a plate of food and we both ate their breakfast and chatted for a while. After we both had finished, they left main castle with their three teammates and travelled to one of the leagues planes.

We arrived in Corto Maltese a few hours later and it was late evening by the time they got there. The League had information of some of Bolts previous attacks. Nyssa and I decided to split up with Nyssa taking one of the assassins with her while I took the other two. We decided to meet back at the plane in a couple of hours while also having the comms on just in case.

I went to where one of the incidents occurred and Nyssa to another. Meanwhile, I and my two assassins entered a large building slowly with their arrows ready to be fired. The darkness of the night provided good cover so that no locals spotted them as they entered. Inside, there was a trail of blood that led further into the building. The ground floor was open, while the above floors had surrounding rooms. The blood led up some stairs to the second floor. I looked at each of the assassins and with my eyes, I directed them to get to the second floor from different directions while I went up the stairs.

Back in the building I was walking around, taking in my surroundings. I suddenly froze as I sensed someone behind me. I spun around and swung my bow at the man and hit him across the face, sending him back a few feet. The man was wearing a black suit with a lightning bolt going through a skull on his chest as well as a cowl to cover his face. I stepped forward a few feet and attempted to hit the man again with my bow but he disappeared and I instantly knew this was the Bolt guy they were after.

"Move now" I said. 

I saw as One of the assassins had a chance to move but decided to hold his position and let the man come so he could show him his skill in battle. Bolt appeared in front of him and fired his energy blast from his hands before he could even react. It went straight through his chest, leaving a massive hole. The assassin's lifeless body dropped to floor with a thud.

The other assassin was on the other side of the room and he fired arrow after arrow at Bolt, but he had already teleported again meaning each arrow missed their target. While the assassin was firing, I was running down the steps and shouting at the assassin to run. I made it halfway towards the exit when I heard the sound of the energy blast again. I looked up to see Bolt standing over another body. I growled in annoyance. Two league members had been killed by this man and under league law, he shall suffer a horrific death as a punishment.

"Why are you here in Corto Maltese? Why have you killed these innocent people?" I bellowed. Bolt powered up his energy blasts yet again and fired at Me but I easily avoided the blast as it had come from a distance.

"Revenge" he said simply.

I noticed every time he disappeared, he closed his fists like one would if they were to punch someone. Bolt did that again and I knew he was about to teleport again. Thinking on my feet, I threw a smoke bomb on to the ground that initially exhibited a blinding light for a split second before a large amount of smoke was emitted. When Bolt reappeared, he was in the middle of the smoke and once it cleared, he was all alone in the building.

I went back to the plane as it was where I and Nyssa had agreed to meet. Nyssa and the other league member were already there. Nyssa rushed over to Me as I walked over to them. "Beloved, are you ok? Where are the others?" she asked, concern clearly written all over her face.

'"I'm fine. They both are dead." I said bluntly. "I faced this Bolt and his teleportation technique will be a problem. We're going to have to be smart and outthink him."

Nyssa nodded in response before sharing with me what she had found out. "As time passes, the power in his energy blasts falls. So we just outlast him and then make our move." she explained.

"Easier said than done." I responded.

The three assassins were positioned on a rooftop next to the building that Bolt was located in. They looked at the building and could somehow just sense he was in there, waiting for them. "You will stay here and provide cover while Al-Sah-Him and I shall enter the building." Nyssa ordered. The other assassin nodded before taking up his position to provide cover.

I and Nyssa jumped over to the other building and entered it from the door on the roof. We crouched and looked down and saw Bolt standing in the center of the ground floor, seemingly waiting for them to arrive. I leaned in closer to Nyssa and whispered "I'll take the other side of the room." She turned her head to face me and nodded. They shared a quick kiss before I moved down to lower levels and moved to the other side of the building.

I reached the ground floor silently and was only 20 metres from Bolt. I looked up and saw Nyssa above on the first floor and she nodded to me. I pulled an arrow out of my quiver and aimed it at the head of Bolt. I fired it but before it hit its target, Bolt had teleported away.

I saw as Nyssa landed in a crouched position. She turned around to Me but saw Bolt a few feet away from me with another energy blast ready to be fired, albeit a much smaller one. I fired arrow after arrow but with his teleportation, he was able to avoid all of them.

Bolt fired the energy blast at Me from quite close range. I was able to avoid a energy blast. I was able to avoid another energy blast. Nyssa & I both fired arrows.

Bolt also saw the arrows and tried to teleport away. However, before he could the arrows pierced his stomach and he then disappeared. He reappeared where I was previously, but as soon as the arrows was fired, I had run over to Nyssa. This arrows was no ordinary arrow, but rather an explosive arrow. After a couple of seconds, the arrows exploded leaving Bolt in pieces.

Nyssa walked over to his body and I saw as her sword came down on his neck, severing his head. She then addressed the other assassin. "Take the head back to the plane to show Ra's al Ghul. We will be there shortly." The man nodded and left with the proof that the mission was a success. Nyssa turned to Me and hugged me tightly.

"Don't come up with a stupid plan like that again. Really that was stupid plan." Nyssa said at me.

I grinned at her as said at me. "You went along with it." I pointed out.

She scoffed, "That was a mistake." Nyssa said.

"It did work though. Calm down, Nyssa it all worked out fine." I said, trying to reason with her.

She gave me an innocent smile before punching me in the shoulder. "Now we are even, beloved'.

After a couple of seconds, I smiled back at her, not being able to be mad at her for long, as they walked out of the building hand in hand. We arrived back at the plane. Once they were ready they flew back to Nanda Parbat in order to inform Ra's al Ghul that the mission was a success.

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