Chapter 5 - Nanda Parbat

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"Why does my father wish for us to return to Nanda Parbat?" Nyssa inquired with a confused look on her face while I remained relaxed. Nyssa knew that as her father had commanded their return, they would have to go back but she wanted to know why.

"I do not know. He only sent me with that message." Ra's horseman replied.

"Fine, I'll get Aaliyah and then we shall go." Nyssa said as she stepped forward about to go around the man.

However before she could go around him, he blocked her path. I instinctively reached for an arrow after seeing someone get in the way of my wife. But before I pulled it out of my quiver, the man spoke. "No, the girl shall remain in Starling. Ra's only wants the two of you."

I and Nyssa glanced at each other with confused looks, both wondering why Ra's wouldn't allow them to bring someone who had become their family. They both shrugged their shoulders and turned to leave the hideout.

Around half an hour later, they both arrived at an abandoned airfield on the outskirts of Starling City. A plane was there awaiting for the arrival of the trio. Two members of the league were in the cockpit where they would fly them to Nanda Parbat. Along with Ra's horseman, they both entered the plane. Ra's horseman took a seat near the front of the plane while I and Nyssa went to the back of the plane so they both could have some privacy. The plane took off, heading towards Nanda Parbat.

We both sat down next to each other, both visibly tired from their night. We both removed their quivers and placed it on the seats adjacent to them along with their swords and bows. "Do you think my father wants to discuss the mission we are doing in Starling or do you think it is something else?" Nyssa asked while dropping her head to my shoulder.

"I doubt it has something to do with Starling City, he sent us there to cleanse the city. This must be something else." I deduced. Nyssa nodded into my shoulder. I looked down at her to see her eyes closed, almost asleep. I took her hand in mine and rested my head on hers, as I too slowly fell asleep.

We both arrived at Nanda Parbat and immediately went towards the main hall. Towards the back of the hall was a door which led to a hallway. At the end of the hallway was where Ra's al Ghul was located, with his Lazarus pit. I and Nyssa entered the room and saw Ra's facing away from them.

He turned around and saw his heir and daughter knelt down awaiting his command. He looked at Nyssa first and then Me. "My daughter, my son, welcome home. Arise." We both stood up with concerned looks on their faces, both still wondering why they are here.

"Why are we here, father? What is it that you want?" Nyssa asked bluntly, although a small smile appeared on her face as it had been awhile since she last saw her father.

Ra's laughed slightly. The fiery personality that he loved about Nyssa was still ever present. He had feared that she would lose it if she ever let emotions such as love control her, just like it once happened to him. However, he quickly realised that his strength came from his cold-blooded personality and so he ignored emotions such as love. He did however show both of his daughters that he does care for them by personally training them since they were children, even if they didn't realise that he indeed loved them. Instead of losing that fiery personality when she fell in love with Oliver, Nyssa became even more deadly and cunning because now she had something to live for.

"You are here because there is an issue I would like the two of you to deal with. You will learn about prioritising certain missions once you are Wife to the Demon Head and you are the Demon Head." he said addressing his heir and daughter. "However, first I would like to talk about Starling City."

"What about it?" I asked.

"How has it been going?" he replied.

"We have made progress on cleansing the city." I replied.

"I have heard you have made progress on cleaning the city." Ra's said cynically.

Nyssa and I both smirked and said "Yes" at the same time.

"And did you hear about what happened to the Triad?" I asked.

"Actually I did. You two seemed to scare them again. Whispers have reached Nanda Parbat that Triad will use the force of the Triad to see you two dead. So when you return to Starling, you will unleash The League on them. Show them why you don't get in The League way at all." Ra's said, ending his little speech with pure disdain for the Triad. "Now on to why I summoned you. There is a man who is causing problems in Corto Maltese. He goes by the name, Larry Bolatinsky or Bolt as Interpol have named him. He has a high-tech suit which allows him to teleport and produce energy blasts. You need to end the threat that faces the people of Corto Maltese."

"So that's why you didn't want Aaliyah accompanying us? You feel this is too dangerous for her?" Nyssa asked.

"Yes. She's just a young girl. She is not ready yet. Now take whatever supplies you need and you will have three members with you. You leave by this time tomorrow." he said effectively dismissing us. We both bowed their heads and left, heading towards their room.

We walked into our bedroom chambers with a feeling of happiness, finally being home after some time away. We missed our bedroom chambers because it is home while the place they stay in Starling doesn't feel the same. We both would relax in their bedroom chambers.

Once ready, we moved down to where members of the league trained in different forms of combat. We entered a large room, where members were practicing archery. Nyssa and I each picked up a bow and a single arrow. A man was about to shoot at the target but an arrow soared right past his ear, directly into the centre of the target. Before he could react another arrow flew past his ear, splitting the previous arrow straight through the middle. All of the members turned around to see the heir and daughter to the demon and they all bowed their head in respect.

"With practice, each of you will be able to do that." Nyssa said, indicating the two arrows that buried in the target. She spoke with passion in her voice as she was trying to inspire the new members of the league. We both left the room to head outside to the grounds surrounding Nanda Parbat.

"You may pick our team beloved, you have a greater eye for talent than I do." I said as they walked towards an area where hundreds of assassins were training.

"Indeed I do" She replied. We walked past some of the men and women training until Nyssa saw the three she wanted. "Stop" She said and immediately everyone stopped moving. "You three, meet us outside the gates tomorrow. You will accompany us in our mission." she said, pointing to the three assassins in question.

We walked off and everyone resumed their training. "Well that was quick. I think we should go relax." I said.

Nyssa nodded "Ok"

We both arrived back in their room and made sure all of the weapons were there, ready for the next day. Once that was taken care of, they both took a quick shower as it was quite hot throughout the day. After the long day we both would relax, eventually we ended up asleep in their bed in each other's arms.

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