Chapter 10 - The Plan

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Talia had revealed her plans to get her student out of the Gulag to I, Nyssa & Aaliyah. She was showing the three around her monastery and they all were very impressed. To I, it seemed like a smaller version of Nanda Parbat.

"I have to say, I'm impressed, sister. You've built yourself a nice place here. I wonder though, will these students of yours be willing to die for you like league members are?" Nyssa said.

I saw as Talia smiled slightly at her sister's comment but she understood her concern. "They've been trained in similar ways to the league. They will die for me if necessary."

"Good" Nyssa replied.

By the time that they had arrived in Russia, it was pitch black. The surrounding areas of the Gulag were quiet, so they didn't have any issue getting near the Gulag undetected. The plan was for I & Talia to enter through the roof, while Aaliyah and Nyssa would find a way in by the ground floor. Through Talia's Intel, they knew which floor her student was being kept in so they decided it is best if they split up and once they find him, they'll let the other two know through their comms.

I and Talia scaled the roof of a nearby building and once they reached the top, they looked over into the distance and saw the enormity of the Gulag. As they were looking at the prison they were about to break into, Nyssa spoke over the comms. "We're inside"

"She's got even better" Talia said to Me and I just smirked in response.

We both fired off the arrows to the roof on the northern side of the Gulag. Talia smiled at Me and said "It's going to be like old times" which made me laugh. They both lifted up their hoods and used their bows to glide down the rope to the roof of the Gulag.

Once on the roof, they both walked up to the door that allowed them to get to the levels below. I saw as Talia kicked it open and both calmly walked down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs there was a long path that was circular. I saw as Talia indicated with her eyes that she would take the left and therefore I would take the right. I had dispatched of couple guards and they both then walked back over to each other. In front of them were prison of cells on either side of them but they knew that the man they were after was a few floors below.

As they both walked through the prison, many of the prisoners shouted at them to get them out which naturally Talia & I ignored. It was an inconvenience because they knew this would attract the attention of guards. As previously seen, they would not kill guards who are doing their jobs but if it came down to it, they would always put their own lives first.

"Sister; beloved, a number of guards were on the ground floor of this building. We have taken most of them out but by now I'm sure they are aware of our presence. Be careful" Nyssa warned.

"Understood, sister" Talia replied. She then turned to me. "Let's go."

I took a handful number of arrows out of my quiver and passed them to Talia. "Tranq arrows that will keep anyone out for half an hour." I said. Talia gratefully accepted the arrows and placed them in her own quiver.

They both made their way through the Gulag, either firing their tranquiliser arrows or knocking guards unconscious. On their level, no guards had been alerted to their presence as they were silent. They both made it down to the floor that held Talia's student and walked briskly until they reached the cell they were looking for. However, when they both looked inside there was nobody there.

I saw as Talia lowered her hood, which allowed her brunette hair to fall down below her shoulders. She looked over to Me in confusion as she was certain that the man they were after was supposed to be in this cell. I was also confused but quickly began to think of alternate places this guy could be.

Suddenly they both were surrounded on all sides by a number of guards. They all pointed their guns at Talia and Me. "Your student told them we were coming." I mumbled.

"Lower your weapons." one guard said in Russian.

I and Talia both slowly bent down to place their bows on the ground. They both gave each other a glance and then they both made their move. They both turned quickly in a semi-circular motion while their bows emitted a blinding light as well as disorientating the guards with their mini-flash bang grenades. I saw as Talia went in one direction in a semi-circle while I went in the opposite direction with their backs to each other. With the guards disorientated, they both quickly disposed of them with their swords leaving a circle of dead bodies. The time of taking the non-killing approach was over now that I & Talia realised that people knew they were here. Their teamwork was immaculate with I only having a better bond with Nyssa.

"What now?" Oliver asked.

"My student may have betrayed me, but the Gulag does not make deals. He's still here somewhere." Talia sighed.

They all met up on the ground floor but in doing so, Talia and I brought with them a number of guards who had radioed in for back up. They all saw an entrance but it was clear at least two of them needed to hold off the increasing number of Russian guards as well as police now.

I turned to the Daughters of the Demon and said "Aaliyah and I will hold them off until you return." The two sisters nodded to Me and Aaliyah before they went down the ladder that led to the underground floor.

For Aaliyah, this had been the most action she had ever faced. Her missions for the league hadn't involved many battles but it was clear that I & Nyssa trusted her completely, which in turn made Talia trust her completely too. She had fought alongside Nyssa admirably, taking down a number of opposition members and now it was time to protect her family with I while they get Talia's student out of the Gulag.

We both fired a few arrows each taking down a number of Russian guards and police before heavy gunfire made them take cover. I was on one side while Aaliyah was on the other side. They heard footsteps coming closer so I peered out to see how close they were. As soon as I went to look, a bullet flew past my head and I instantly went back behind the wall.

"Ok they're three people really close. You take the one near you while I got the other two." I said to her.

The 3 police officers made it around the corner but instantly all 3 were killed. I saw as Aaliyah had fired an arrow through the neck of one while I used my sword to kill the other two. I then picked up a body and began to use it as a shield as I advanced forward to the guards. A number of bullets hit the guard that I was using as a shield and the distraction allowed Aaliyah to fire arrow after arrow into officers and guards meaning when I got to them there was only one left. I saw him begging for his life on the floor and I took pity on him and just knocked him out.

I and Aaliyah met with Talia and Nyssa.

"Now Starling City to help you both out. Let's have some fun." Talia said enthusiastically.

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