Chapter 7 - Vertigo

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Nyssa and I arrived back into Nanda Parbat, where they were greeted by Ra's at the entrance to the large castle. He was in his standard pose, where he stood up straight with his hands behind his back. His facial expression conveyed a look of intrigue. He had no doubt that this would be a difficult task if Bolt had hired mercenaries to help him but if he was on his own, he expected his heirs to deal with him. When he saw the three assassins return, he wasn't surprised that not all of them came back alive. He led us to the great hall, where he finally addressed them. "Successful mission?" he asked.

Nyssa looked over to the only assassin that survived and nodded to him. He revealed the head of Bolt to Ra's, whose reaction was a smirk. "Leave us" Ra's ordered to the man. He left the room, leaving only Ra's, Nyssa and I left. "Where are the other two league members that travelled with you?"

"They couldn't follow orders. As a result they both died." I said.

Ra's nodded his head. "These new recruits do not seem to have a true appreciation for who is in command. Perhaps I shall train some of these members for a period of time. They will then know who the Demon's Head is and who his heir and daughter is."

"What now, father?" Nyssa enquired.

"You shall go back to Starling City. You may spend a few days here to rest and recuperate. In fact, I have a gift for you. Follow me." Ra's said as he walked out of the room. Nyssa was confused as apart from her wedding day, her father had never given her a gift.

He walked through the castle until he reached Nyssa and Myself bedroom quarters. Their quarters were very large, the size of a penthouse suite. It had two floors, with their bedroom on the upper floor. Other rooms included a gym, a meditation room and multiple rooms where they train. As we entered, Nyssa and I could feel something was different and someone had been in here since she last was. The living room was very spacious and it was where I and Nyssa could relax. Ra's led them to the staircase and they came to a stop outside a room that contained nothing.

"What's going on?" Nyssa asked.

Ra's turned around and faced both of his heir and daughter. "It wasn't easy, but I have got you two a gift and it's in that room. Getting it up those stairs was particularly difficult, but anyway it is in there."

He stepped aside as I and Nyssa walked into the room. They both froze as they saw a Lazarus Pit in the centre of the room. Their Lazarus Pit. Nyssa spun around quickly while my eyes remained glued to the Pit. "You...You got us a Lazarus Pit?" She asked disbelievingly.

He laughed slightly. "This one was found a few years ago and I was waiting for the right opportunity to present it to you. Talia got her own Pit when she deserved it and now the two of you have this one because you deserve it."

"Thank you"she said, still surprised that they now had their own Lazarus Pit.

Ra's left the room and heading back to the main hall.

"Well, it looks like we'll be living for a very long time then like your father." I said with a smile.

"Hmm hundreds of years of being young and with you doesn't sound so bad." Nyssa said as she wrapped her arms around Oliver's neck, bringing him down for a passionate kiss. He led her out of the Lazarus Pit room, lifting her up so her legs wrapped around his waist, and into their bedroom. They eventually broke the kiss as they quickly undressed each other before their lips were re-united once again.

A couple of hours later, they left their quarters and went to grab some food. After they ate, they relaxed for a while as they took a walk around the gardens of Nanda Parbat.

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