Chapter 2

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Me, Stanford, and Stanley and been working on the Stan O' War for a few hours now. The sun was starting to set, telling us we should start heading home. I had a pen and paper in my bag and Stanley wrote down their address in case I wanted to come by sometime. I gave each boy a hug and said goodbye. The boys went one way, and I went the other after saying we would meet here again tomorrow.

I went walking back to my house and saw no lights were on. I tried to open the door, but it was locked, I knocked a few times but nothing happened. I can't just stand out here by myself I thought as I wrote my mom a note incase she came back or something, and looked at the address on the paper. "It's not to far from here." I said to myself. It was getting dark and honestly I was getting a little scared. It wasn't that I was scared of the dark, more of the type of people who came out in the dark. I've had bad experiences being out at night in my hometown, and I didn't know what would happen here, on to of that I get paranoid early. So I took of to Stanley and Stanford's house kinda quickly just in case.

When i got there I saw it was a pawn shop. Cool I thought as I went to knock on the door. After a few seconds a lady can to the door. Could this be their mom? I wondered. "Uh.... h-hi there miss. I was w-wondering if this was where, Stanley and Stanford Pines lives?" I asked kinda shy. She gave me a kind smile and said "Yes, sweetheart. I'm their mother. You know my boys?" I perked up a bit glad not to have the wrong house. "Yes ma'am. I met them this morning on the beach." I smiled remembering. "Oh you much be that lovely girl they were talking about. Come in, come in." She said, backing up a little to let me in then she closed the door behind me. "What are you doing here at this time?" She seem kinda concerned when she asked this. "Well once we saw it was getting dark we all said we should probably get home. Stanley gave me y'alls address, in case I wanted to come over sometime. After I said bye to them and got to my house, I saw that there wasn't any lights on. I tried to open the door but it was locked and when I knocked there was no answer. I left a note before I left in case she came back or something. I don't know anyone else or where she could be, so I came here, hopeing I could stay here for a night or something. " " Oh sweetie of course you can stay. I don't want you to go back out there at night. Do you know your mom's number maybe I can try and reach her?" I nodded and wrote my mom's number down on a piece of paper, then she took me to meet her husband. The twins were up stairs so they didn't know I was here yet.

"Hey hunny, there is someone you should meet." She said as we walked over. I saw him look up from his newspaper. I remembered them telling me a little about him, he was a struck man. Tough as a cinder block and not easily impressed. He looked at me then at his wife "Who is this?" He asked. "This is the girl our sons were telling us about. She can't get into her house and when she knocked no one answered, so she came here, and I said she could stay the night." He looked back at me "That's fine with me." He put his newspaper back up to his face. "Oh sweetie, what was you name again?" Mrs. Pines asked me. "Oh my name is Y/n, ma'am. It's nice to meet you." I gave her a kind smile. She returned it. "Nice to meet you too y/n. You can go upstairs, to the boy's room. It's the second door on the right, it has there names on it. Dinner will be done in a few minutes, alright?" "Alright. Thank you, and thank you for letting me stay." I smiled, and so did she bigger thou. " You, are very welcome." She smiled down at me then went back to the kitchen. I started to walk to the stairs but was stop by Mr. Pines voice. "It's nice to meet you Y/n." He said. I turned around and saw he hadn't looked away from his newspaper. "Nice to meet you too Mr. Pines." I said with a warm smile. I think I saw him glance my way for a second before going back to his paper. I turned around and went to find the twins room.

I went up the stairs and looked for the door with there names on it. I saw it in big letter "STANFORD AND STALEY" I knocked on the door. The voice of what sounded like Stanley came out "Mom? Is supper done? We'll be done in a second." I giggled a little before saying "I'm not your mom. Although, for the record, supper will be done soon." I heard both twins gasp as they tried to get up, by the sounds of it. This only made me giggle more as they opened the door. "Y/N!" They both screamed at the same time, both hugging me. I giggled more " Nice to see y'all to but I just saw y'all maybe a half-hour again. Y'all screamed like It's a been months or something ." They let go and looked at each other then me, and started laughing a little. Stanley, then grabbed my wrist and pulled me into there room, while Stanford closed the door. Stanley then spoke up. "Y/n What are you doing here?" I told them about what happens when I got home and how his parents said I could stay the night. "That's so cool." Stanford said as he smiled big. Stanley nodding in agreement. I opened my mouth about to say something when I noticed Stanford's hand.

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